Chapter 47

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You should never hide anything from a doctor, police and yourself.

Giara's POV.

"Lets go." I said as soon as Nick climbed in driver's seat. He nodded and started the engine, driving out the mansion's gate.

"So?" He asked.

"Drive me to the house, we'll discuss there." I said removing my heels and massaging my feet.

"Okay there?" He asked glancing at me and then turning his attention back to road.

"Huh? Yeah. My feet are just sore wearing these heels." I answered straightening my back and stretching my legs, they made the crack sound. I nodded in satisfaction.

"Okay." Nick said and started whistling. I turned my body little to left to look out of window. Watching the trees pass by in whoosh. His words kept running in mind.

"I know now why you are always alone."

"You, you always think about what you have to do. You don't think about the consequences. You don't think about what would others feel."

"You okay there?" Nick asked again.


"What did that kid say?" He asked looking at me.


"I just asked because things looked pretty heated when you both were talking and you look distra-"

"I said it was nothing okay. And you don't have to act like you care. Stop pretending!" I shouted.

"Giara. I am not pretending. I do care. You know what happened with Jax wasn't my mistake. Giara I-"

"Stop! Just stop talking. I'm tired of hearing it. I am tired of constantly hearing that it wasn't your mistake. I never said that it was your mistake. Nick you were my best friend. The only friend I shared everything with. I trusted you more than anyone else. Then tell me why you had to lie. You knew the truth about Jax. You knew he was playing me. Didn't you?" I asked. He didn't say a word because he knew I was right. I chuckled. "Of course why would you? You also wanted to play little ole Giara right? It was your plan all along right. Make friends with poor little lonely Giara and take advantage of her."


"No?" I laughed. "But poor you, everything you both dreamed of only went Jax. He got everything you both dreamed of. And you? Still stuck here."

"I am still here because I want to make it right Giara. I'm not denying that I didn't knew his plans but I had my reasons. It was never my intention to hurt you, it never was and never will be."

"Yet you hurt me." I said as he pulled the brakes. "As I said before Nick, I'm tired of hearing the same things over and over again. I want you to never speak of this again. What has done can't be changed. I would like it if we keep it professional between us." With that I climbed off the car struggling with the dress. I hurried to the house wanting to get out off this damn dress.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Okay guys I found the location." I said as I walked in the room where others were gathered.

"What? How?" Nick asked.

"That's not important." I said picking up my bike's keys. "I'm leaving."

"What? Where? G you can't go alone!" Alec said.

"Who said I am going alone? You guys are coming with me. If I wanted then I wouldn't have told you." With that I made my way towards my baby. I mounted her putting in the key and igniting her. She let out a roar.

"I missed you too." I said. "You guys ready?" I shouted over the roaring of my bike. They nodded. With it we made our way to said location.

When we reached the location I was quite unsure if the location was right or not. So I made call to Charlie.

"Yes love?"

"Are you sure this is the right location?"

"Yes I am. Why what's the problem?"

"The neighbourhood doesn't look shady at all. The house looks cozy and warm." I said looking around.

"G, what do we do?" Jack asked as they walked towards me. I showed him my index finger telling him to wait a minute.

"Maybe he tricked us again." I said.

"Maybe or maybe not. Never judge a book by it's cover, love."

"Hmm, you are right. There's no harm checking it out." I said. "I'll talk to you later." I said hanging up.

"What's up?" Jack asked.

"Okay, I want you to go by front door and see if someone is in there." I order pointing towards Jack. "Nick I want you to block the signal around here. Alec and I will check the other sides if there are any cameras around here." They nodded and set to the work. Jack went in the front of the house, Alec took the left side and I took the right.

"That's weird." Alec's was echoed through my earpiece.

"What?" I asked.

"There's no camera here." He said.

"Are you sure?" I asked looking around trying to locate any cameras but found none. "Meet me at the back Alec."

"G, there's no one in." Jack said.

"Why would there be no cameras?" Alec asked.

"Alec stop!" I said as I spotted a camera at backside of the house and Alec was about walk right front of it. "I spotted one."


"It is right above, the corner of the door."

"How are we gonna enter in?" Alec asked.

"Guys window on the left said, I can open it." Jack voice came in.

"Okay. Nick we'll be going." I said as I jogged to left side.

"Copy that." He replied.

"Did you open it?" I asked as soon as I reached their side.

"Yep, easy peasy. Sliding windows are easy to open, all you need is a screwdriver." Jack grinned hold up the small screwdriver. I smiled shaking my head.

"Let's go in."

Three of us jumped in one by one. There were no lights on so I searched for my little torch. First I checked the ceiling corners for any cameras but found none. The room we jumped in was living room.

"Jack check here, we'll look inside." He nodded and we made our way inside. There was a hallway with two sides. I nodded my head to right telling Alec to go right. He went on right side, I took the left.

I wasn't sure if the house was right or not, but it didn't hurt to check. Plus it was pretty weird that there were no cameras or any other security system, just warm and cozy house. I opened the first door that came in the way. Holding the little torch in my fist I checked around. A guest room maybe because it looked unused. There was bed with neat white mattress, two fluffy white pillows. Hmm, nightstand empty besides the digital clock which lighted red numbers. Drawers were empty too. There was a closet which had bed sheets, pillowcases, and towels. I lifted up couple to check if something was in there or not. I placed them back as they were before. Closing the closet I turned to check corners there was a empty dustbin. Nothing found, so exited the room and entered the next on which on the opposite side few feet away from this one. Opening the door, I first saw was a wide office table.

"Hmmm, that's something I would like." Again I checked the ceiling corners before entering. Cameras not spotted, I started with the shelf that was near me. Books, files with names of different companies. Seems like a office of businessman. Nothing seemed unusual. I moved towards the office table. Table had pen stand, two paper weights. A weird shaped lamp, yellow notepad with blank pages, a calendar, some files but nothing useful. Just a similar name on every file Donati. Italian businessman. The table had two drawers with bunch of papers, I flipped through first one but found nothing.

"G, there's a bedroom which seems like of a girl." Alec's voice echoed through my earpiece.

"Hmm, found anything there?"

"Nothing except the usual stuff."

"Then find something useful Alec and stop being a little pervert." Jack said causing me to chuckle.

"I'm not being pervert. G, there is a picture of a girl and a man."

"Hmm, bring in the picture I'm in the last room on the left side."

"Okay I'm coming." He said.

"Donati contracts, Donati buildings, Donati constructions. Hmm." I said going through the papers. Nothing useful. Kept the papers back in drawer, closing it I held the torch between teeth and crouched down opening the second drawer.

"Did you find anything?" I looked up to see Alec flashing his torch as he walked in.

"Nothing yet." I mumbled. He came took the torch from my mouth. "Thanks."

"Donati Constructions." He read looking at the files with were on the table.

"Yeah, He seems like a big shot but still lives in a house without any security." I said flipping through the second drawer. "See, many other contract pape- Huh?"

"What?" Alec asked as he flashed the torch on opened drawer.

"Burner phone." I said passing it to Alec. "Check it, I'll search for more." I flipped through pages. While flipping I felt something different. I lift the pages up to see a photo. "Alec I found a picture."

"Picture?" He questioned. Getting up I set the picture on the desk flashing the torch on it. The picture contained a group of men. 10 men. Six of them standing and other four crouching in front of them.

"Did you check the phone?" I asked.

"Nope, checking." He answered.

In the picture the group of men were posing in front of a shutter with rifle guns in their hands. Men with tattoos on the arms. All of them held their hand up with fist closed. All of them had a similar tattoo below their wrist on the inner side. I checked for their face. All had a happy grin. They looked young maybe in their twenties. I scanned through their faces. The man in the middle looked familiar. The blue eyes! That's Blake Olsen!

"Alec there's Blake Olsen in this picture!" I said looking up at Alec.

"G, this is the phone from where we kept getting messages." Alec said turning the phone's screen towards me. The screen showed our messages.

"We are in the right house." I said.

"G, this man right beside Blake Olsen is the man with the girl in the picture." Alec said pointing the at man in the picture and then removing his phone to show me the picture.

"Sophie?" I said as soon as recognised the girl in the picture.

"You know her?" Alec asked.

"Yeah I met her at the ball and now she's with- oh shit!" I cursed quickly throwing Alec's his phone and taking the picture with me.

"What happened?!" He asked. I rushed outside the house jumping through the window with Alec and Jack following behind. I quickly called Bob.

"Weasley speaking."

"Bob tell me where is Jay?"

"Umm, He is in theatre room."

"The girl, the new one, Where is she and what is she doing?" I asked rushing towards my bike.

"She is with them. They are watching movie. Why, is anything wrong?"

"Anything suspicious about her?"

"No. Should I call security?"

"No. No. Just keep an eye on her. If she acts suspicious then you make a move okay. Is Mr. Olsen home?"

"Yes, they just arrived."

"I'll be there soon." With that I hanged up.

"Giara, will you tell us what is wrong?" Jack asked.

"I think I made a mistake."



"G I think you should take it easy." Alec said.

"Easy? Alec he lied to us. He should have known that one must not hide anything from who protect his life!" I shouted annoyed at Alec for telling me to 'take it easy'. "I knew he was hiding. You guys wait here and see if someone turn ups in here. I have some questions to ask." I said before starting the bike and zooming off to Olsen's.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

As soon as I reached the Olsen's mansion I rushed inside.

"Welcome Ms. Edwards." George greeted opening the doors.

"George please inform Mr. Olsen that I want to meet him now." He nodded. "I'll be with Bob. "I quickly rushed towards the security room.

"Bob?" I asked as I walked in.

"Nothing. There was nothing suspicious nor did she move from the room."

"Okay." I nodded sitting on the rolling beside him.

"Did you find something?" He questioned. I just hummed keeping my eye on Sophie.

"Miss Edwards?" George called peeping in.

"Uh yes." I got dusting my pants. "Keep an eye on her." I said to Bob and followed George.

"Is everything alright Ms. Edwards?" George asked.

"Hmmm. I don't know George. Why don't I talk with Mr. Olsen first and then we'll see." I knocked on the doors as soon as I reached his office.

"Come in." He said. "What it is Ms. Edwards that needs to be discussed at this time?" He asked.

"Well I found something very interesting." I said removing the picture I found from inside pocket of my leather jacket. I slammed the photo on table. "It looks familiar doesn't it? Hmmm I wonder why?" I said glaring at him. He looked surprised.

"H-how did you? Where did you find this?" He asked.

"You tell me Mr. Olsen. Is there something you want to tell us now?" I was boiling with angry. I wanted shout at him. Do we look like idiots to him?

"I- I used to be in mafia in my younger days." He said sighing. He opened the cuffs of his right hand and rubbed the tattoo that was imprinted below his wrist. "In my early twenties I used to be in mafia group. Black Viceroys. We were younger and powerful then. Me being strong and having a leadership trait they decided to make me the leader. I decided to agree with them. For years with ruled around in California. Until I fell in love. I wanted to change. I wanted to keep my family safe and happy so I left the gang. They were upset but after sometimes everything was forgotten. Last time I heard from them was when I left them. There was no connect, nothing at all. So where did you find this picture?"

"I found this at the house of the supposed threatener. The man beside you." I said nodded at the picture.

"Angelo Donati?!" He asked in surprised. I nodded. "Why would he do that?"

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