Chapter Six - How do you say someone? Some-juan?

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Chapter Six - How do you say someone? Some-juan?


The lovely place where children's hopes and dreams come to die.

I walk through the entrance of the school, keeping my shoulders straight and my eyes forward.   

I always have to pretend to be confident, and I guess it works because people certainly believe it. I know this because I've heard all the whispers.

'Perfect' was one of the words used. If only they knew.

Sometimes I even forget to brush my hair, which is definitely the epitome of perfection.

How do you say epitome?

Eh-pi-toh-m? Epi-toe-me? Epit-o-me? Ep-i-to-me? What? Fuck!

I shake my head at my stupidity and look around at all the staring faces. The reason that people are staring at me today may be different to the reason they usually stare at me.

Today, I have the 'hot new kid' right by my side as I walk through the school and to the front desk.

I promised his mom that I would show him around, and as much as I would rather be with Cora and Lea, I have to keep my promises.

"Why are people looking at me?" Jake asks, frowning and looking around.

"Do people not usually stare at you?" I chuckle and then realize the stupidity of what I just said. If people stared, it would make him attractive. He's so not attractive.

Of course he is attractive, though, and I'm sure he knows it. Plus, he's French! That's like the third best - after Italian and Spanish.

"Not at all, actually. People at my old school were scared of me," he smirks and I roll my eyes.

"Get used to it, they won't take their eyes off you any time soon. Mister hot-new-French-kid-that-everyone-wants-to-bang." I chuckle.

"I knew you wanted to bang me again, Cookie," Jake leans in and whispers in my ear.

I groan and shove him away, "Sweetheart, if murder was legal you'd be long gone." I smile sweetly and speed up my pace, hoping to get rid of him when he gets his schedule.

"Listen," Jakes says in a deadly tone, his mood changing completely. He shoves me against a locker, towering over me.

I go silent, staring up at him.

"You know you love me," he whispers in my ear, his voice slightly rough. He then kisses my neck and steps back, leaving me slightly breathless.

What just happened? I'm confused.

I go silent and make my way to the front office, not knowing what to say. He knows for sure that I don't love him. If anything, I'd say I hate him.

"Hello, Miss Cole and Mister..." The receptionist looks at Jake with a frown, not knowing who he is.

"Jake Dubois," he explains and gives her a charming smile.

"Ah yes, new boy. Here are your schedules," she prints out two sheets and hands it to us then goes back to typing on her computer, pretending like we're not there.

Jake grabs my sheet out of my hand before I can look at it. "Oh, we're in the same class. Guess you're stuck with me for the rest of the year."

I groan and pout childishly, causing Jake to look down at my lips.

Just a tiny movement with his eyes and my ovaries want to explode.

Avada Kedavra, stupid hormones! I internally scream at myself, trying as hard as I can not to look down at his lips.

"Oh by the way," he whispers and leans in closer, "When we're at school, you can't talk to me unless we're alone." The amazing smell of his cologne fills the air around me and I step back, not needing to be more attracted to him.

I shrug. "Fine with me." I walk away as fast as I can. He can ask someone else to show him which way to go.

Imagine how hard it is for a non-English speaking person to pronounce English words. Like, how do you say someone? Some-juan?

Heh. Twenty juan pilots.

I meet up with Lea and Cora, by Lea's locker, just before school starts. We meet by Lea's locker everyday because she says she's too lazy to walk to our lockers.

My locker is just six lockers away from hers...

"Ali, what the fuck?" Lea says under her breath, looking terrified but in awe at the same time.

I frown. "Sorry I'm late?" I question, not sure what's happening.

"You were talking to Jake!" she says, her eyes wide.

Cora chuckles softly, her brown curls shaping her small face. "She doesn't actually know who he is, remember?"

"Oh yeah," Lea says slowly, nodding.

"Who is he?" I say, still completely confused.

The bell rings, signalling the beginning of class.

"Bye, girlie," Lea grins and skips off with Cora, knowing we're not in the same class. The classes always stay the same every year, and unfortunately I got stuck without my best friends.

Unless there is a new kid, like Jake, in which case they will be put in the class with the least amount of kids.

The same question runs through my mind over and over as I walk to class. Who the hell is Jake, if he is not who I thought?

People were scared of him and didn't look at him, at his old school. He can't talk to me at school. Lea looked terrified, just because I talked to him.

That's definitely saying something because Lea hardly ever gets scared.

Then there were the slightly fearful looks of the students in the hallways...

Strange. Something is definitely up with him, and I'll force it out of Lea at break.

I would say Cora too, but Cora is so tiny and quiet that I wouldn't be able to force it out of her because I'd feel bad about it.

She's like a little Chinese antique doll that's really easy to break. Her slightly curved eyes are so warm and gentle. Nobody would even think about being mean to her.

Walking into English with a sigh, I pull out my notepad and wait for the teacher to begin.


Hehe, go follow me on Instagram if you wanna hear me sing ;)

I'll post more song videos there soon, and tell me your favorite songs here so I can try and sing them for you xx

T w i t t e r : xPineappleGirlx
I n s t a g r a m : laylzk
S n a p c h a t : laylz_k

Lots of love and jelly tots- TPG

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