Chapter 24 ★彡

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The truck flew by and Serena fell.

Ash stood on the spot, his feet felt like it weighed ten times heavier than usual.

Suddenly, everything was in slow motion. His eyes shifted down to his hands. It was covered in blood. Nausea arose inside him, taking away his ability to breath. The raven haired boy looked up, and the car in front of him was on fire. The blazing flames overwhelmed his senses and he couldn't feel anything.

"Serena!" Dawn's sudden shout pulled him out of his trance.

When he finally came to his senses, Ash ran towards the honey haired girl.

It was just like last time.

He couldn't do anything.

He stopped in his tracks when he saw Serena lying unconscious in a certain boy's arms, unscathed. Dawn sighed in relief as her knees grew weak. Gary held her close before she could fall.

"Alain!" Ash gasped in surprise as the navy haired boy stood up, still holding on to Serena.

"You should really keep track of your girlfriend," he said.

The raven haired boy examined the girl up and down to see if she had any injuries. When he saw the blue ribbon she was still held onto, his hands balled into fists.

"Thanks," he smiled sadly. "I owe you one."

Alain passed Serena into his arms and gave him a meaningful gaze. He nodded at him before leaving.

"Don't worry, you'll be able to pay off that debt soon."

After Alain disappeared out of sight, Ash looked down at Serena, still dazed about what happened.

"We should take her back to her house," Gary suggested. Shauna, Dawn, and Calem all nodded in agreement. Ash stared at Serena, his expression displayed pain.

He nodded as well.

➖➖➖ _:('ཀ'」 ∠): ➖➖➖

Brimming lights seeped into Serena's vision as her eyes flew open. She stared at the ceiling above her for a few seconds, then slowly sat up.

The last thing she remembered was being confronted by a truck. The scene was so explicitly clear in her mind it made her flinch just by recalling it. Serena spun her head to the left and saw the blue ribbon rested by her desk.

She sighed in relief.

The door to her room opened and Ash comes through with a glass of water. The raven haired boy rushed forward immediately when he noticed that she was awake. Both relief and guilt replenished his mind as he bent down by the bed and pulled her tightly into his embrace.

A squeak almost escaped the honey blonde's mouth as her cheek was squished against his chest.

"How long was I out for?" she asked quietly.

"A few hours. Gary and the others had to go home since it has gotten really late." Ash pulled back from the hug. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. Thankfully nothing was broken," she chuckled lightly while the raven haired boy just looked down.

"...I'm sorry."

At that, Serena rose an eyebrow in amusement. "Did I hear that right? The Ash Ketchum was apologizing?"

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