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Graduation was about a week ago, and a few days later Tobias and I drove over to California, to stay here for Caleb and Amanda's wedding. Tobias had to fly back to Chicago for a few days to take care of a few things with the Cubs, but he'll be back in time for their wedding.

I still haven't met the twins in person yet, but that's because Caleb and Amanda brought them to their apartment two days ago. I felt like I should get them situated with their children at home, before I just barge in there wanting to see them. So that's what I'm doing today. Barging into their apartment and demanding to see my niece and nephew.

So when I finally got off of my computer watching YouTube videos, I took a super quick shower and got dressed.

Since there's almost nothing here to eat, actually there's a lot of stuff, buts it's all for making a meal and I don't want to do that, I just got in my car and drove to Starbucks for breakfast. I got a strawberry acai refresher and an everything bagel. These bagels are literally bomb. It was actually really handy eating here because it's literally on the way to Caleb and Amanda's apartment. I ate my food on the way, and finished just before I got there. I parked in the guest parking and got out, only holding my phone, keys, and my refresher.

I then walked into the building and took the elevator up to the fifth floor, and walked to apartment 558. I knocked on the door and I was immediately tackled in a hug by my brother when it opened.

"Woah, chill bro," I said while laughing.

"Oh, sorry," he laughed to and let go of me.

"Okay, I want to see them." I smiled and walked into their apartment. Caleb had me set down my refresher and keys before he led me to the nursery, where I saw Amanda sitting in a rocking chair cradling Olivia, while a sleeping Jackson was being rocked to sleep in a swinging bassinet. "Hi!" I whispered to Amanda with a really big smile on my face. Amanda stood up and walked over to me, giving me a hug. I hugged back, trying not to squish Olivia in the process. When we separated I looked down at the smiling baby. "She's gorgeous!"

"Do you want to hold her?" Amanda asked.

"Yeah," I answered, nodding my head. She's passed Olivia to me and I cradled her in my arms. "Hi! I'm your Auntie Tris!" I say in a baby  voice and then make a bunch of faces at her. Olivia giggles and smiles. "She is literally the cutest thing ever! Okay now I wanna see Jackson." I handed Olivia back to Amanda, and Caleb handed Jackson to me. I did the same thing with him as I did with Olivia, and then Caleb, Amanda and I just talked for awhile.

"So where's Tobias?" Amanda asked as she put Olivia down in the bassinet and lightly swung it back and forth.

"He's in Chicago right now," I answered, swaying and bouncing slightly to try to put Jackson to sleep. "He had some things to take care of with the Cubs, and is also looking for apartments."

"Wow, so he is going to be with the Cubs?"

"Yeah that's the plan, at least for right now. I can't even tell you how excited he is, this has been his dream since he was like five."

"Hey, Mom and Dad are in New York right now, right?" Caleb asks.

"Yeah Mom had to check on her line before heading to Paris with Dad, why?"

"Just wondering."
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It was now about a month and a half later, and it's the day of Caleb and Amanda's wedding! I am so excited for them, even though they're technically already married

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It was now about a month and a half later, and it's the day of Caleb and Amanda's wedding! I am so excited for them, even though they're technically already married. I'm also really happy because I'm in charge of the twins all day, and for five days afterwards when Caleb and Amanda go on their honeymoon to San Diego.

I woke up around ten thirty to the sound of the shower running, and having the whole bed to myself. Tobias must've wanted to take all of the hot water before I could. Instead of going back to sleep, I laid on my side and I played on my phone for awhile until Tobias walked into the room with only a towel wrapped around him.

He put on come boxers before jumping on the bed and laying next to me, looking over my shoulder to see what I was playing.

"Ooh do that one," he said pointing out a really good move on my level of Best Fiends as he wrapped an arm around my waist.

"I didn't see that one," I replied, making the move and beating the level. "Thank you."


"Okay, I need to go take a shower," I said, wiggling out of his arms and standing up. I walked to the bathroom and put my contacts in. I then took a quick shower and put on a burgundy two-piece lacy dress. I then dried my hair and then did a bun a put a few flowers in it. I then put on foundation, concealer, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, Kylie Koko K lip kit (yes I've fallen into that endless hole), and blush, okay and a little highlighter. I then slid on black heeled sandals and put on dangly earrings, a bunch of bracelets, a heart with wings necklace, a stone necklace, a 't' necklace, and a bunch of rings.

The two of us then head downstairs for a quick breakfast before Mom and I head to the hotel where Amanda and her bridesmaids are getting ready and Dad and Tobias head to the venue where things still need to be set up.

Amanda is having me do her makeup and her mom, Camilla, do her hair since I'm like the queen of makeup and her mom is a hairstylist.

It takes awhile, but I eventually get Amanda's makeup done so she can put on her dress and then head to the venue where everyone is waiting. We all climb into the two cars it takes to get to there, with Mom, Camilla, Amanda, the twins, the maid of honor, and myself in one of them.

The seven of us make it to the venue with fifteen minutes to spare before the ceremony is supposed to begin. It's just enough time for touch ups, and then I head out to the chairs where everyone's starting to take their seat.

I carry the Olivia and Jackson in their carriers to where Tobias saved a chair for me at the front of all the chairs. As I sit down, I carefully set the carriers on the ground in front of me. Tobias makes funny faces and noises at the two little babies, and I can't help but smile as I watch him.

Tobias and I dance along to music along with several other people here on the dance floor. Amanda is looking after Olivia and Jackson right now, because immediately after pictures were taken she couldn't bear to be without them for another two seconds.

"I love you," Tobias says quietly in the middle of a slow song. I look up at him with a wide smile on my face.

"I love you too," I reply, reaching up to peck him on his lips. Tobias makes me so much happier than I ever thought I could be. I've heard so many people tell me that when I'm around him, I light up. It's true, he makes every day better and brighter. He is definitely, with out a doubt the reason I am who I am. He completes me.
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A/N: Hiiiiii!!!! Omg seriously I am SO SORRY that this took so long! I just didn't know how to put my thoughts into sentences☹️ but I got it done, and hopefully the next one will be up real soon💓
I love you all so so soooo much!!!💘💘💘
And as I keep saying, please, please, please, keep commenting and voting!!!😘

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