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After the ceremony, it takes us about an hour to take pictures, and then it's time for the reception. Camilla redid my hair, she took it out of the updo, and did a similar style but half up and half down this time.

I clutch Tobias's hand as the DJ says, "I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Eaton!" We smile and walk to the middle of the dance floor, and when we get there, the DJ starts playing Perfect by Ed Sheeran, but we have the cover with Leroy Sanchez. Personally, I like this version better, but Ed's is just as amazing.

Tobias's hands find my waist, and mine wrap around his neck. I close my eyes for a few seconds, taking the warmth of his embrace. It's when I feel his lips on my forehead that I finally look up into his eyes; the same ones I fell in love with almost six years ago. Tobias spins me, and when I come to a stop, I stand on my toes and kiss him.

The song is over way too soon, and the only thing connecting Tobias and I now is our hands, refusing to let go. Eventually we have to though, because we both have different family members wanting to hug us.

After awhile, I'm dancing with Hanna, and out of the corner my eye, I see Tobias standing and talking with a few people I have never seen before. I tell Hanna that I'll be back soon, and she makes me pinky promise that I will be. I make my way over to my husband (ooh that's so weird to say), saying hello and having quick conversations with people along the way. My arm sneaks around Tobias's waist when I reach him, and he swings is arm that's holding a drink up and over my head.

"Hey, babe," he says, looking at me once he's done telling his story.

"Hi," I reply, pressing a quick kiss to his lips. I then smile at the other people, and then back at Tobias.

"Oh, right. You guys haven't met each other yet. Tris, these are my cousins from Florida, Alex, Ethan, and Isabelle. Guys, this is my wife, Tris." They all have the same tan complexion as Tobias, and the same dark hair (well, except for Isabelle, who's blonde, but her roots are still pretty dark so I'm guessing it's dyed).

"Hi!" Isabelle exclaims. "It's so nice to meet you!"

"You too!" I respond, grinning. Alex and Ethan both say something along the same lines. We get to know each other for a bit, and then dinner is announced, so Tobias and I say goodbye and walk to our table.

Dinner is filling and delicious, and I'm super happy, because I haven't eaten since this morning, so I was starting to get really hangry there for awhile. Then it's time for toasts, and Tobias and I sit back, listening to a few select friends and family members. Zeke is probably the funniest, being one of the best storytellers ever.

"Now, there's a time in everyone's life where they meet their soulmate, their one true love, and the person who will love them no matter what, no matter how drunk they may be. This moment came for Tobias 23 years ago when he met me." Everyone bursts into laughter, and Zeke waits for everyone to quiet down. "So," he chuckles, then composes himself again, "when Tobias asked me to be his best man I was honored. I also thought it was very kind of him to finally admit that I am the best." Zeke flips to the his next index card as everyone laughs again. "A lot of you know that Tobias has gone by Four since the beginning of middle school, and a lot of you think that it's because his birthday is the fourth, or he's number four for everything sports related. Sure, it started out that way, but what really cemented his nickname in sophomore year, was when he chugged a beer in four seconds." Tobias blushes and covers his face, and I look at him in disbelief. "Oops, you didn't know that, T?"

"No!" I laugh.

"My bad Tobias. I have a feeling you told me not to bring that up at some point, but if any of you know me, you know that I never listen. Anyway, now it's time for the more serious stuff. The first day of junior year, when Tris moved to town and met Tobias, he called me that night and asked if I 'knew anything about that cute new girl,'" I look at Tobias and smile.

"At that point, he'd known her for 12 hours, but I knew that he'd already fallen for Tris. Hard. Over the next few years, I had never seen him smile as much as he does when he's with her." Tobias presses as kiss to my temple, and I lean into it. "Alright, I think it's about time for me to finish, and I just want to say congratulations to you two, you both look stunning, and I love you guys."

"We love you too, Zeke!" Tobias and I reply at the same time. The night is filled with more toasts, dancing, lots and lots of cake, more dancing, and so much fun.

Now I'm dancing with some of my friends from college, and Tobias comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. I turn around to face him, and kiss him. He kisses back, bringing a hand up to my cheek.

Today's been so much fun, I really don't want it to end. Tobias and I have a plane to catch though early tomorrow, and it's starting to get late so people need to leave. I hug pretty much everyone, and thank them for coming. They send us off with sparklers, leading us to the car with "Just Married!" painted on the back window.

Mom stops me just before I get in, saying, "Aren't you forgetting someone?" I laugh and hug her and Dad, telling them I love them before sliding into the car with Tobias and driving back into Chicago.
♛ ♛ ♛ ♛ ♛
It's now Tuesday morning, and I wake up in Barcelona to the sun shining in my eyes. The bed covers, sheets, and pillows are a rumpled mess on top of the bed because Tobias and I may or may not have had a little bit of fun last night after we got back to the hotel room.

This room is so cool, there's like windows surrounding the entire thing. It's also huge, like, it's meant for seven or eight people to stay in it, but oh well, we have two.

I sit up, realizing that I'm only wearing a bra and underwear, but not really giving a damn. I reach up, stretching my arms and back, and smile when Tobias walks in with two cups of coffee.

"Good morning," he says, makes his way over to my side of the bed, and hands a cup to me.

"Morning," I grin, taking a sip of my coffee. Mm, it's just how I like it. I swear, Tobias makes my coffee better than I make my own. He sits down, and pulls me to him so I'm sitting between his legs.

For the next half an hour we sit there, drinking our coffee and watching whatever was on the TV. Then we both decide that we're hungry, so we get up and get dressed so we can go get some food.

We walk from our hotel to La Boqueria, a huge market that's a few blocks away. There's so much food here, and it all looks so good. We spend about an hour there, then we agree to go back to the hotel and change into swimsuits to go to the beach.

However, once we get into our room, Tobias picks me up and throws me over his shoulder, running to our bedroom. He tosses me on the bed and I laugh, as he pulls off my shorts and throws them to the floor. My fingers find the hem of his shirt, and I lift it over his head, helping it find its place on the floor with my shorts. Soon, the rest of our clothes have joined the others as we fool around underneath the covers.

Let's just say that Tobias and I didn't make it to the beach that day.
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A/N: hello my dudes! What'd ya think? Cute right? lol guys. Um idk what to say. Not much is going on right now... my crush lost our 8 day streak😂😭 whatever🤷🏻‍♀️ oml I got iOS 11.1 and all the new emojis are so cool!🧡 sry if you can't see them, idk if you can if you haven't updated/if you don't have an apple device
haha I love you guys!! keep reading/commenting/voting!💓💓💓💓

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