The friends

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I woke with a start to voices in the living room, there were more than 2, that I could hear, I looked over to the spot where Chris was sleeping, only to find it empty.

My stomach churned.

I grabbed my gun, slid it into a band under my dress, and walked out of the bedroom. My hair was wavy, because I curled it yesterday, and all of my makeup was removed.

I slowly and lightly padded into the living room, to see Chris and 3 other people facing the screen, playing a game with good graphics, laughing and tapping away at their controllers.

"Chris?" I asked, causing them to flinch.

They all looked over, one of them smirking and looking at Chris, thinking we'd slept together.

Only one of them wasn't turned around.

Brown hair.

Oh my god.

He turned around, and his brown eyes hit me.

This was dan howell, the man I had to kill.

My eyes widened, and I stopped dead.

He looked at me puzzledly, as the blue eyed man turned to look at him.

"Elyssia do you want some breakfast?" Chris asked, distracting me.

"Uh, yeah, yeah" I said, nodding my head slowly.

Chris got up, and gestured for me to follow him to the kitchen.

"Elyssia" he whispered, reaching for the gun under my dress, pulling it out slowly.

"Chris" I whispered, looking into his eyes.

"You're never gonna kill dan." He said, reaching into a cupboard, and placing the gun away.

I nodded, retrieving a bowl from the cupboard.

"Are you gonna introduce me to your friends?" I asked, mock-pouting

"Well you already know Dan" he said, I laughed, but he just stared down.

"And phil" I grinned.

he looked at me, smirked, and exhaled sharply.

"You know, most girlfriends I have are quite put off at the fact I kill people for a living" he whispered, and looked around.

"Well we can thank our jobs for 1 thing then" I said, laughing.

"What jobs?" A voice asked behind me.

I gasped and spun around. It was the green eyed one.

Oh no this was bad, really really bad. MI6 agents were supposed to keep their jobs to an absolute minimal.

Chris shot his head around, and laughed.

"Pj" he chuckled.

"We were talking about a video game" he laughed.

"Oh" pj said, and laughed too. Me? Oh I was just mortified, I did this a lot. (In case you haven't noticed)

Oh god, move, Elissa move! They're both looking at you!

I heard my phone ringing in the living room, I must've left it there last night.

Oh thank god, saved by the bell, or, at least, the bug song.

I ran into the living room, thrust open my handbag, and looked at who it was.

'Mr sir' it was labeled. I quickly pressed answer and forced myself to speak.

"Is it done?" The man asked.

I let out a sigh, and found it hard to breathe.

"No" I answered, scared.

Dan and phil were looking at me, concerned.

"Why not?" The man asked, remaining calm.

"He is my boyfriends friend" I answered slowly, trying not to let dan and phil hear too much.

"I can't." I whispered.

"Who is your boyfriend?" He asked, rage seeping through his voice.

"Agent 206" I answered. He had told me before I fell asleep.

The man gasped.

"I-I-it is fine, then, it is fine." He stuttered. Wow! I had never heard him scared!

He hung up, as I dropped my phone and slumped against the wall in relief, sighing and smiling.

"Chris!" I shouted, running into the kitchen.


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