Strong drugs.

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"Morning!" Chris smiled as I walked in to the kitchen.

I moaned in reply, my stomach ache had worsened and I felt sick and groggy.

He chuckled and flicked though the newspaper.

"I feel sick" I moaned, trudging up to him.

"Could be the painkillers wearing off" He suggested.

"What, after 2 days?" I asked back, confused.

"They were really strong" Chris replied, putting emphasis on the 'really'.

I was going to bring up Zander, but thought Chris would be worried, and decided to leave it.

"Why would I need painkillers?"

"I felt no pain, I just passed out" I explained.

"Oh well, apparently something to do with a panic attack releases something or the other and it hurt your liver" He said, never looking up from his newspaper.

The date when we had to kill RTK was nearing and my health was declining, the stress was taking its definite toll. We had 2 days until the deadline, well 2 days, 3 hours to be exact.

My stomach was cursed with a seemingly permanent dull pain, Chris has suggested I visit the doctor, but I hated the doctors.

"3 hours, 2 days" I said, moaning.

"It's alright, don't worry Elyssia" Chris said chuckling.

He stopped chucking, however, when his phone beeped.

His eyes widened as he scanned the screen.

"He's been spotted, Elyssia we need to go now" Chris said, standing up.

My stomach churned, I stood up and decided what I was wearing was good enough; leggings, a denim jacket and a tank top.

Despite it being 9pm, I usually didn't want to get changed for bed until about 11pm.

"Alright" I agreed, clutching my stomach, I shouldn't have stood up that fast.

We ran out of the door and into the car, slamming the door as he stepped on the peddle, racing to the location that he had been sent.

The car ride took what seemed like forever, but we finally arrived in the city centre where he had been spotted.

"Elyssia, hurry up!" Chris said, flinging open the door and running out, looking around madly.

"Yeah, yeah" I said, grimacing and clutching my stomach harder as I heaved myself up and out of the door.

"Chris, it's so dark here, there's no way we can s-" I was cut off by a dark shadow running through the street.

"Chris, Chris" I whispered, shuffling over to him and tapping his shoulder, never taking my eyes off the figure.

I tapped him lightly on the elbow as he snapped his head to me.

"What is it?" He whispered.

"Look there" I said, pointing towards the shadow.

He squinted, observing as I did.

"You got a gun for me?" I asked, smiling when he handed me a medium, but powerful gun.

"Fully loaded?" I asked, turning safety off.

"Of cour- oh my god" He said, pointing towards a woman who this man was now holding by the neck.

"Chris, can I shoot him?" I asked, making sure that I was correct in assessing the situation.

"Yes!" He exclaimed, hushedly.

I steadied my arm, supporting it with my other hand, located on my forearm.

My finger met the trigger, as I assessed where I was to shoot, in order not to harm the woman, who was screaming and struggling.

I pulled the trigger, the bullet successfully hitting the man where I had anticipated it to, in the head, hopefully fatally.

He slumped down as Chris and I ran over to him, me consoling the woman's no was crying uncontrollably.

"It's ok, it's ok" I soothed, placing my hands on her shoulders.

"Chris, it's him right?" I asked, shaking. The adrenaline was still rushing throughout my veins.

"Yes" he assured, looking at his phone and comparing it to the man who was now dead.

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