We meet again

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"Elyssia" a strong male Irish voice said, mockingly.

"Elyssia I know you're awaaaaake." He said, poking me

My eyes snapped open as I gasped at what I saw.

A man with brown eyes and combed back hair was towering over me, giving me a smile a devil would cower at.

He looked down at me as if I was lesser than him, as the steady beeps on the monitor quickened.

He laughed as I let out a small whimper, this man was why I had nightmares.

This man was the reason I have had sleepless nights.

This man, was Zander.

"I've missed you, Elyssia" he teased, tracing along the lines of my jaw with his finger.

"Wh- What do you want" I stuttered, shaking a bit at his touch.

"To see you again" he mused, moving down to my neck.

He was insane. Bloody insane.

"How did you know I was here" I whispered, looking him in the eye.

"Oh darling" he laughed, sitting on the side of my bed.

"I am the reason you are here"

My eyes widened as I tried to comprehend what he had just said.

"That's right, honey." He sniggered, obviously observing my puzzedlment.

"I drugged the tea you had, before you broke that mans collarbone." He said, proud of himself.

"You bastard" I said, surprised at my sudden rage and confidence.

He looked absolutely outraged as he climbed on top of me.

Suddenly I felt very scared and small, as he grabbed hold of my neck, and leant in.

Our lips collided as my eyes squeezed shut, extremely scared to even move.

Oh my god, he was kissing me.

Zander was kissing me, and he was good at it, I forgot it was him for a second, and placed my hand on his neck, bringing him in closer to me.

He wore a childish grin when he pulled away.

"That was rather nice, you're not too bad" he said, climbing off me.

"I'm glad Chris didn't come in." I said, the worst feeling ever brewing inside of me.

I'd just cheated on Chris. I am the worst person ever.

"oh yeah, don't feel bad, darling, Chris was only getting close to you so he could kill you" he explained, boredly.

"What?" I whispered, my stomach dropping.

"Yes, you see, you are his target." He said, grinning a bit.


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