Mirror mirror

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I sighed as I pulled the hoodie over my arms.

I chuckled slightly as I looked in the mirror.

"Silly girl" I mocked at the reflection starting back at me.

"Falling in love with Chris Kendall, the mystery man"

Pushing my tongue up against my top lip, I reached down, pulling up my jeans.

'How did he know where I live' I thought to myself

Or is it lived?

I pursed my lips as I realised I had no shoes.

"Oh bloody hell" I sneered, staring at my bare feet.

"Even some socks would suffice!"

I poked my head out of the door, and yelped when I saw Chris' face opposite mine, he of course laughed at this.

I rolled my eyes and gestured towards my feet.

"Oh, er. You've got no shoes" He blatantly observed, trying to stifle giggles.

"Your fault" I teased, poking his chest with my index finger.

He laughed and took hold of my hand.

"I'll get some shoes from your flat" He insisted.

"How did you know where I live?" I asked squeezing his hand.

He simply laughed and let go of my hand, walking backwards.

"Lived" He corrected.

I grinned to myself as he walked down the hall way.

"Mystery man" I beamed.

It was now 7 pm, and master mind Chris had packed my clothes messily in a suitcase, for me to rearrange and hang up in our closet.

So it was official, I was moving in.

It would take ages to get it right, and there was always something not quite right about it, I had rearranged it about 20 times now.

"Why won't you just stay right?" I sneered at my clothes.

I rubbed my head, I had a stomach ache, and I was irratible.

Chris strut in and held up his phone.

"I've got a target" He announced, showing my the text which contained a picture of a man, in his early 20's, going by the name of 'TRK'

"Trk?" I repeated, studying the picture.

"No, t.r.k, it stands for his method" he corrected.

"What's his method?"

"Torture, rape, kill"

I covered my mouth with my hand, thinking of how horrible it must be to lose your life in that manor.

"You ok?" He asked' shuffling forward and placing a hand on my shoulder.

I nodded and began to talk.

"I'll come with you, don't go at it alone Chris, the thought of losing you is just too much" I whispered, choking back sobs as he engulfed me in a hug.

"Listen, I don't have to do it for another week, don't worry" He assured as I relaxed.

"I love you Chris" I whispered.

"I love you too, Elyssia" he smiled, as I sat down on the bed behind us.

I kissed his cheek as he quickly snapped his head, so I was kissing him on the lips.

"Naughty" I teased, going along with it.

I chuckled and pushed him down, maintaining contact.

But you can guess what happens next.


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