A ligouri

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"Chris!" I shouted for a second time, running into the kitchen.

"Yeah?" He said, eyebrows raising.

"I don't have to do it!" I beamed

Chris exhaled and ran over to me, engulfing me in a hug.

Chris spun me around, and pj laughed.

Finally putting me down, he looked absolutely filled with joy.

"Wait, what don't you have to do?" Pj said, looking at me with absolute puzzlement.

Chris' expression dropped as he realised that pj was still in the room.

I stared at Chris, he looked so scared and worried. He couldn't think of anything.

"I don't have to..." I stuttered, looking away from Chris slowly.

Oh no oh no oh no!!!

"You know what? It's a little personal" I said as Chris sighed

"Yeah" he played along.

"We'll tell you later, mate, if we decide we want to tell people" he said, looking down.

"Chris!" Dan shouted from the living room

"Yeah?" Chris said, unwrapping his arms from me and walking out.

I picked up a cup of tea that had been left on the counter, and took a sip, it was not too hot, or too cold.

I stood there, until pj said something.

"I'm pj" he said

I turned my head up to look at him.

"Pj liguori" he said, outstretching his hand.

I slowly raised my hand from my side, and made contact with his.

His pupils dialated, a sign of accelerated heart rate, as I smirked.

He made a small smile as he asked;

"So, where are you and Chris at?" He asked, his smile fading ever so slightly.

"Oh" I smiled.

"I'm moving in" i said beaming.

His smile faded altogether as his grip tightened on my hand, his eyes widening.

"What?" He said, sounding a bit hoarse, but loud.

"I'm moving in with Chris" I whispered.

"Really?" He said, squinting.

I nodded slowly, furrowing my brow.

"WHO DOES THAT?!" He shouted, letting go of my hand.

"Why are you angry?" I shouted back.

I heard the padding of feet, but I didn't turn around.

"Peej, what's wrong?" A soft British accent said.

"They're moving in together!" Pj shouted, pointing at me.

"Pj, don't take one step closer to me." I warned, looking him straight in the eye.

"Oh what will you do, move in with me too?" He shouted, stepping forward as I grabbed hold of his shoulder.

"Elyssia! No!" Chris said, grabbing my arms behind me, and pulling me backwards.

"I warned him, Chris! I warned him!" I said, struggling to get free.

Pj grimaced, clutching his shoulder and falling to the his knees.

"You're fucking insane" pj said, gritting his teeth.

Dan and phil ran over to him, grabbing his arms on top of his shoulders, as they carried him out.

Chris let go of me as he looked me in the eye.

"Elyssia" he said, panting.

I looked at him, me panting too.

"you can't do that" he said, putting a hand on his forehead

"Chris I'm so sorry" I whispered.

He looked at me with utter disgrace and disappointment, as I burst into tears.

"Oh I'm sorry chris, I'm sorry!" I shouted walking over to him, wrapping my arms around him.

He didn't say anything, just wrapped his arms around me, swallowing hard, as he sounded like he was about to cry.


Hey guys!

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