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By the end of the day; Josephine wished she had stayed in bed, heavens forbid she knew she could get away with it now. Her temperature wasn't the lowest, and her father had told her that she could take some time from school if she needed it.

That meant going to the doctors, and that was one bill she didn't want to think about. Miss Tanya would be disappointed in her, she had told her that school was important and that she wished she was able to go more when she was younger.

She was just glad that her new teachers had pulled her aside to reassure her that they were used to Mr Calvin, to hand in any of the first week's homework when she could and not stress too much about it. It took some of the pressure off her shoulder, before worrying about how she was going to get everything done before the end of the year.

The one good thing about today, Abigail MacLea had told her to avoid the school's kitchen on Fridays. Since the school's football team had a habit of making punch on Fridays, and according to Abigail they failed a lot at making said punch.

And any failed attempts were thrown out the window, making Josephine blinked when the others in her dance class talk about how many times, they walked home in Freshman year covered in failed alcoholic punch.

Apart from her Spanish class, it would seem Abigail was in the rest of her classes. At least now she didn't have to take that Legal Aid class, it had almost bored her to tears learning about laws that were so old that they were mostly ignored.

Instead, she was going to be in the spotlight. A spotlight that her family had spent years avoiding. The Ryans family didn't enjoy being in the spotlight, at least not from what she had researched.

Sitting down at an empty table near the football field, she looked at her English homework and chose to write something about her mother's family. Her mother, Olive Ryans, was an independent blogger and reporter, which meant that Josephine had learnt early on that it was better to just post something and disappear into the background.

That it was better to allow readers to make up their own minds about the information that they were sharing, instead of pushing an agenda onto them. Her grandfather, Jacob Ryans, was a solider in WWII and fought in both the pacific islands and Europe.

From what she had gathered from reading her grandmother's and grandfather's journals from the time. He was nineteen when he met her grandmother in Poland and brought her to America as his legal wife.

Her grandmother was the most interesting of the pair, Josephine found. Born Katanya Wozniak, but she changed her name to Catherine Ryans. She had been tortured at the hands of the Nazi Germans, being known as a Polish Rabbit, thinking about what happened to her grandmother made Josephine's blood boil. Since those injuries were the reason she had died when her mother was ten years old.

How she hated the Nazi's.

But she was also proud of her heritage and no one, she meant no one, could make her think otherwise. Finishing her dot points, she looked over them and thought about adding Sliversmith family into it.

"Too dull," Josephine whispered to herself, putting that folder away and picking up her copy of Macbeth by Shakespeare. Mostly known as the Scottish Play since many believed it to be cursed to say it in Theatres.

If she was going avoid going home, then she might as well finish as much of her homework as she could. Even it meant reading a play that was hunted, by a man that romanticize suicide in Romeo and Juliet.

She didn't know how she had been studying for, she didn't know. If she had to guess, then she'd say she'd been sitting at the school for about two hours after the bell rang. But she's been wrong in the past about how long she can study for, even how long she'll work on her own blog posts.

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