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When the sun light filtered through the window, the birds starting to sing in their trees. Softly and sweetly as Josephine slowly wake up, feeling warm and safe. Something she hadn't felt before someone had called the ambulance.

  She didn't know who had called them, but she had a feeling that it was one of her little ones. One of her little street mouse, forever running away from a life that had been handed to them.

  At least one of her little ones, who had spare key to her apartment. She had a feeling that if anyone knew about her tortured little ones, then they would have dragged her to her father's a lot sooner then they did.

  Josephine had been so close to convincing child services to just leave her alone, despite the fact that she was under the age of sixteen years old.

  The condo was hers, left to her by her mother in her will. Along with what was left in her mother's savings, along with what was left in her own. It helped that her part-time in a small cafe, along with her own blog.

  While not as popular as her mother's, which didn't bother Josephine since she had started her blog when she was eleven years old. Still, she still had a faithful following of her own.

  Mr Silversmith wouldn't have found their resources, since they had multiple hiding spots around their home. Josephine didn't know all the places her mother hide her things, and her mother didn't know where she hide all of hers.

  Yawning, she pulled herself from the warmth. Replacing her body with a pillow as she tried to forget her own dreams. Abigail would kill her, or her family would, if they found out that her mind placed her in a skimpy slave girl's dress. Not that she could justify calling it a dress. It was a piece of material that covered her torso, shoulders and barely to her knees.

  Aladdin on the other hand, looked like he had lost a few years in her dreams. He looked to around ten, he also ate watermelons weirdly, which she found to be a strange detail to be caught up on.

  But between that and being caught up on the fact that she had almost kill two people.

  Admittedly they were two kidnappers, but she didn't think the police would believe her if she told them that. More so, Aladdin would have been seen as an illegal alien, solely based on the fact that he didn't speak English. Nor would they find a translation for the language he was speaking. So that was one mess she didn't want to be a fly on the wall for, not that it would happen. A plan formed in her mind, one that she wished she could use for the little ones. Sadly, there were too many of them for that to happen.

  Wait a minute.

  Snapping her eyes open, she almost felt like she was about to have heart failure. Which on top of her near-lethal fever would land her back into hospital, or wondering the underworld of Hades. She was more willing to believe Greek mythology then anything else.

  She knew she owned a lot of blankets and pillows, none of them following a colour pattern. Mr Silversmith most likely just grabbed whatever colours they had on hand, even then she didn't own that shade of red or that shade of blue.

  Josephine hadn't thought about them staying. Abigail's family were going to kill her. It wasn't like her cousins like her anyway, so they'd happily kill her like the Mountain killed Oberyn Martell. She didn't need to know why, she didn't care for the reason.

  The church in her home two had warned her what they would do, if she caught her dragging someone's soul into her and her mother's sin. Most of which she didn't care to repeat, even in the safety of her own head.

  There was a reason she didn't go to church on Sundays, even if it continued to aliened her from the others. Well, other then the fact that she was Pagan, which was easier to hide, since she never told anyone about her belief.

  To her, believing that one person created everything was believable, but they also expected her to believe that this 'all loving and caring god', would also give a three year old cancer? Would throw one of his angels into hell for conflicting reasons.

  No thanks. She'll stay with her gods and goddesses who were as flawed as the people they demanded loyalty from. Like Artemis who had a habit of turning men into animals, or Zeus who seemed unable to keep it in his toga. Heck even Poseidon and his temper, Hades and his grudges.

  Shaking her head, she slipped into her bathroom. If there was one good thing about living with Mr and Mrs Silversmith, along with her half-siblings, was that she was got her bathroom. Even if neither she nor Miss Tanyu agreed on whose job it was to keep it clean, Josephine cleaned after herself. She wasn't used to someone else doing it for her, her mother would agree.

  She needed a cold showers, not only to control the temperature of her skin. She just needed something to snap her out of it, before planning on how she was going to get Abigail home without ruining her reputation. Along with walking away from her limps still in one piece.

  Never will she be the reason someone was bullied into taking their own lives, even if that meant she had to eat by herself and do group projects alone. She was used to it, she had a friend in elementary school.

  Atalanta Frost O'Milly. Both of them picked on because of their names, seeing as she had two middle names.

  Josephine Rhina Sophie Ryans.

  Closing her eyes, she leaned against the shower's wall. Falling down the wall, curling into a ball. She might have been up for a few minutes, but already it was too much.

  A heavy feeling in her chest pushed up, and she cried. The feeling in her chest getting worse and not better.

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