Chapter 1

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   Julia woke up, put her robe on, and walked outside of her bedroom, as she fixed her long black hair, she knocked on both Samara and Ravine's doors loud enough to wake them up. Samara was always more of a party girl, she worked as a bartender at the towns most popular bar "The Dexter Bar Of East End"  While Ravine focused more on books, and spending most of her time as an aid at the library.
    Julia approached her sister, Diana's door and knocked on it extra loudly because Diana was always a heavy sleeper. Diana added humor to the house, and was always the most humorous out of her and Julia. But, ever since Diana moved into the house last year, something dark followed her to this town. Julia and the girls have been getting stalked by someone known as the Shapeshifter, the Shapeshifter can turn into any human form, doesn't matter, doesn't matter where and it doesn't matter how. All they wanna know is why he or she is targeting us.


   "Alright girls." Julia said as all four of them sat down at the table in the kitchen. "Ravine, you being 25, and you, Samara, being 24." Diana said with a small laugh. "What are you trying to get to?" Samara asked with a confused look on her face. "It's 2017 girls, and you aren't little girls anymore, you're adults now, it's about time that you learned about spells and how to cast them, your Aunt Diana and I knew how to do almost every spell at the age of 15." Julia said as she took a sip of her tea. "You girls can learn all sorts of spells! I mean, isn't this exciting?" Diana asked with an enthusiastic smile. "I'm scared, this is a big step for both Samara and myself." Ravine said. "Don't be scared, come on, you girls are more braver than that!" Julia said with a warm smile on her face.


   Samara was dressed in one of her favorite pink dresses that she got for her birthday last year, looking her absolute best, she walked down the street in her high heels down to the bar for work. As she approached the bar, she was stared down by a couple of oblivious drunk men, as she flashed them a cocky smile, she opened the doors to the bar, it was absolutely filled to the gills with people, having a great time. As she looked through the crowd of people, she finally spotted her boyfriend Dean in the distance looking at her with total pride. She she felt nothing but excitement in her, they both met each other halfway, and with no words they both gave each other a big kiss. "Hey babe!" He said with a big smile on his face. "I'm so happy you're here, but you know I have to work tonight, and you know how my boss gets when you distract me from my work." Samara said with a sad tone in her voice. "I know, I know, I just came to say hello, that's all!" Dean said. "Thanks for coming up see me, I'll talk to you later, love you!" Samara said quickly as she ran behind the bar as quickly as she could and began pouring drinks for all the crazy people left and right.


   Ravine walked into the library and saw the man who worked his butt of at the library for hours, each and every day, Ben Connolly. Ben has been in love with Ravine for years since back in high school, but Ravine never felt the same way back to him. As Ravine rushed past Ben, he quickly stopped her. "Sorry Ben, no time to talk, I'm off from work today and I need to grab a book, I'll talk to you later." Ravine said as she stormed away from him as quickly as possible. She felt relief inside her that she didn't have to talk to him. "Do you need help with something?" Alexa the librarian asked. "I already know where the section is, I know this place with my eyes closed, but please don't tell anyone this, I need a book on witchcraft." Ravine whispered as she looked all around her to see if anyone was listening. "No problem." Alexa replied back quietly with a smile. As they both walked down to a certain section of books all the way hidden in the back of the library. Alexa grabbed the book off the shelf and handed it to Ravine with no questions asked.


   Julia's neighbor, Alfred was chatting on the phone with Julia about coming over for dinner tonight. "I have everything ready, just come over whenever you want, bring Diana too if you'd like." Alfred said into the phone. "Alrighty, sounds good." Julia replied as the phone hung up. Alfred heard a knock on the door, he opened it up and saw a elderly man standing outside. "Yes? Can I help you?" Alfred asked as the elderly man's eyes turned completely black and punched Alfred right square in the face. As Alfred fell to the ground trying his hardest to breath, the man grabbed a fire poker from Alfred's fire place and jabbed it straight into Alfred's heart. The elderly man disappeared into thin air as he heard someone knocking on the front door. "Alfred?" Julia said as she opened the door with Diana behind her. "Oh my god, he's dead!" Diana yelled as they both stared down at the body. "He was murdered." Julia said in disbelief. "Who do you think could've down this?" Diana asked with a shocked look on her face. "It was the shapeshifter, we need to leave, now." Julia replied as they both stormed out of the house as quickly as they could.


   Ravine and Alexa sat down at a private table in the very back of the library. "Can I please talk to you about something?" Alexa asked. "Yes, but I need to tell you something first." Ravine said with a deep sigh. "Go ahead." Alexa replied. "I'm a witch, don't tell anyone, but I need to get it off my chest, and I know I can trust you, and it's ok if you don't believe me, but I'm a witch." Ravine said with a nervous tone in her voice. "I already knew it, you've been acting so strange lately, and then you take out more than 4 books on witchcraft." Alexa said with a small humorous laugh. "So, what do you need to talk to me about?" Ravine asked. "This town is full of supernatural history by the way, so that's kinda how I got the hint, I want you to cast a spell on me, very soon, my husband and I have tried to have a kid for two years now, and it just hasn't been working, and I'm afraid he's gonna leave me, I'll gladly pay you." Alexa said with a sad look on her face. "No need to pay me, of course I'll do it for you, please don't worry at all, here's my number." Ravine said as she handed Alexa a piece of paper. "Thank you, so much!" Alexa said with a joyous tone.


   Samara was making her way home after a long and exhausting night at the bar. As she walked down the street that led to her house, it was completely blocked off by construction. "Great, I saw this one coming." Samara said to herself as she took the next street. It was a dark and deep street that fled with crime each and every day. Samara fixed her dress as she nervously walked down the street. "Do I really need to do this." She said to herself as she pulled out her phone to call Dean, but she then remembered that he works night shift at the hospital. She dialed Dean's mother's number and she answered. "Hello?" She said. "Hi Ruby, what's going on?" Samara asked. "Oh nothing, my story is on tonight, do you need something?" Ruby asked. "Yes actually, can I please have a ride home, like now." Samara asked with a nervous tone in her voice as she looked all around her surroundings. "I'm actually at your house right now." Ruby replied as the phone lost connection. "I saw this one coming too." Samara said to herself with an annoyed tone. As she turned around, she saw a thug standing there with a knife in his hand. "Hey there gorgeous." He said as he started walking towards her. "No way buddy!" Samara screamed as she felt strength inside her building up with rage, and as she punched him in the chest, he suddenly fell over on the ground and died. As Samara felt something in her hand, she looked as saw a beating heart in her hand. "I didn't know I could do that!" Samara said as she ran down the street towards her house.


   Dean and his assistant doctor Harper, were pushing a dead body on a stretcher into the morgue room. "Poor guy, looks like someone stabbed him right in the heart." Harper said as she stared at the wound. "The police are going to have to investigate this body, and the scene once again, this is a murder." Dean said. "Didn't this happen right next to Samara's house?" Harper asked. "Yep, Julia and Diana were the ones who found the body, I can't believe they had to see this, this man was just an innocent old man, who would want to kill him?" Dean said as looked down at Alfred's dead body in shock. "I really wonder about this world sometimes, I really do." Harper replied as they both left the morgue.


   Julia, Diana, and Ruby all sat down together in Julia's living room, drinking their favorite martinis, and having a great time. "So Ruby, how is everything going with you down at your mansion." Julia asked. "Great, nothing new, Samara and Dean are a perfect match, I'm so happy for them!" Ruby said with a happy tone in her voice as she fixed her expensive dress. "I'll say." Diana mumbled on her breathe as she sat back on the couch. "Ruby, I need to know your opinion, from a fellow mother and witch." Julia said. "Yes?" Ruby asked. "Do you think it's a good idea to expose Samara and Ravine to all the magic and spells, I'm starting to worry." Julia said as she took a sip of her drink. "I already told her, there's no need to worry at all." Diana said as she fixed her long black wavy hair. "I agree with Diana, do it while you can, the girls will need it especially with everything going on right now." Ruby said as the tea pot in the kitchen began to whistle and Ruby quickly ran in to get it. "See Diana, don't worry, starting tomorrow, these girls will become witches." Diana said with a smile as she stood up and went into the kitchen to help Ruby with the tea. As Diana walked into the kitchen, Ruby was nowhere to be seen, the tea pot was smashed and split all over the floor. Diana turned around and saw the shapeshifter standing behind her. "What the heck." Diana said as the shapeshifter stuck a knife straight into Diana's stomach and ran off into the living room. Julia whacked the shapeshifter right in the face with a baseball bat, as she heard the doorbell ringing rapidly. Julia quickly ran over to the front door, as she opened it up a woman was standing outside, it was her mother who died back in the Salem Witch Trials. "Minerva." Julia said as she stared right into her eyes. "You can call me mom." Minerva said with a laugh.


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