Chapter 5

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   Dean walked into his house and was greeted by his mother and Mallory. "Hi mom, who's your friend?" He asked. "This is Mallory." Ruby said with a fake forced smile. "Hi, nice to meet you, don't worry, I won't be a bother here." Mallory said with a smile as she shook Dean's hand. "It's no bother, welcome!" Dean replied with a smile as he went upstairs. "You played it off better than I expected." Ruby said as she rolled her eyes. "Better than you'll ever do." Mallory replied as the maid walked into the room. "Sorry, I'll come back another time." She said as she walked out of the room. "Don't expect to get to comfortable here, I have plans for you, and they aren't gonna be pretty." Ruby said. "Ha! Try me!" Mallory replied with a laugh as she lied back in the couch. "Oh I sure will." Ruby said as she left the room.


   "Yesterday was crazy ladies, thank you so much for saving me." Julia said as Ravine, Samara, Diana and Minerva all formed a big group hug around Julia. "Gotta love that little technique I did." Diana said with a laugh. "I'm so thankful and grateful for each and every one of you, I really am." Julia said with a warm smile as she began to tear up a little bit. "We also can't forget the fact that we came together as a family, and we left as a family, in one piece." Minerva said as everyone began to laugh. "Let's just hope we never have to do that again." Samara said. "I agree." Ravine replied.


   Ravine was walking downtown making her way to the library. The beating sun was in her eyes, as she covered her eyes with her hand, Alexa came out of no where. "Oh, hi!" Ravine said. "Hi, I was meaning to tell you something." Alexa said as they stopped and moved to the side of the street so people could walk by them. "Yes? What is it?" Ravine asked as she saw Alexa put her hands on her big pregnant stomach. "Ben was getting suspicious about how my stomach got so big so quickly, and now I'm kinda worried." Alexa said. "Don't worry about it, Ben is completely harmless, I've known him since the beginning of high school, I doubt he's up to something." Ravine said. "Okay, but, let's just keep an eye on him." Alexa replied as the both of them kept walking on the sidewalk making their way to the library.


   Julia and Diana were sitting on the couch in the living room relaxing and taking a break from all the chaos lately that's been going on. "I'm still so damn proud of us pulling that off yesterday." Diana said with excitement. "And you should be!" Julia replied as Minerva walked into the room holding a tray in the air. "What is that awful smell?" Diana asked as she plugged her nose. "It's a special herbal tea that my grandmother taught me how to make, it's to celebrate a victory." Minerva said as she placed the tray on the table. "I smell alcohol." Julia said as she sniffed the air. "I may or may not of snuck just a tiny bit of whiskey in there, drink up ladies!" Minerva said with a smile.


   Samara walked into Dean's and Ruby's  house with knocking, as she walked in towards the dining room, the house grew completely quiet. "Dean? Ruby?" Samara asked as she noticed the door to the basement was wide open. As she made her way down the steps, she pulled out her phone, and turned her flashlight on. As she began walking down the long and dark hallway, she noticed a long branch growing out of the wall. She touched it with her finger and she felt a thorn piercing her finger. "Ouch!" Samara yelled as the branch began to grow rapidly all over. The branches began to turn into long sharp thorns. The branch began to grow around Samara's leg, and she fell to the ground. "Help me!" She screamed. As she looked at the branch wrapped around her leg, her eyes turned bright red and the branch bursted into flames and turned into ash. As Samara freed herself, she ran out of the basement as quickly as she could.


   Ravine walked into the library, and she was greeted by Ben. "Hi, how are you doing?" Ben asked. "I'm doing fine, thank you." Ravine replied as she kept walking and Ben stopped her again. "So, can I ask you something?" He asked. "Ben, I'm to busy to go out on a date with you." Ravine said with an annoyed sigh. "No, no, not this time. Is Alexa really pregnant?" He asked. "Well, I would think so. People's stomachs just don't enlarge like that out of the blue, do they?" Ravine replied with a fake smile as she walked away from Ben and went down to a certain aisle to find a book.


   Julia, Diana, Minerva and Ruby all decided to get together at the town's local bar, to have some drinks and to have a girls night out. As the four of them walked into the bar wearing their best night life clothing, they were seated at a private booth. "This is so great." Ruby said with a smile as they all sat down. "Out of all nights we choose to come here, Samara isn't working." Julia said as she took her her fancy leather jacket. "Might be for the best." Minerva added with a small chuckle. "Wait, I thought Samara went over your house for dinner, Ruby." Diana said with a confused look on her face. "Not that I know of, Dean may have mentioned something, but I'm not to sure." Ruby replied as she fixed her long blonde hair. "Ladies, order as much drinks as you would like, I enhanced the waiters when we walked in to give us as many free drinks as we want!" Minerva said with a cheerful tone as the rest of the girls replied with a happy cheer.


   Samara walked into the house completely shaken from what just happened to her. She looked around her house but nobody was there. "I need a bath." She said to herself in a tired voice as she made her way up the steps. As she walked into the bathroom she heard creaking noises from inside the room. She turned the light on and the bathtub was filled completely up with water. She walked over to the tub in confusion and she looked at her reflection in the water, until she saw someone standing behind her. It was the shapeshifter. Samara tried to run, but he grabbed her head and began to put it under the water in the bathtub so she couldn't breathe. Samara struggled and struggled to get away. Samara kicked the shapeshifter in the knee with all her force, as all of a sudden, she stopped moving.


   Julia, Diana, and Minerva came home after a crazy and fun night out. "Are the girls home yet?" Diana asked. "I'm not sure, let me check." Diana said as she began to walk upstairs. "I feel dark vibes coming from this house." Minerva said as they heard Julia screaming from upstairs. Minerva and Diana both ran into the bathroom where they saw Julia holding Samara's body. "Is she dead?" Diana asked in fear. "She doesn't have a pulse, there's no time left, call 911!" Diana screamed. "I'm on it!" Minerva said as she raced out of the room.


   As Ravine spent some more time with Ben, discussing books they liked, and enjoyed, Ravine truly felt that she could tolerate Ben deep inside, in the most friendly way possible. "Well, closing time soon, it was great talking to you for such a long time." Ben said with a friendly smile. "I couldn't agree more!" Ravine replied as her phone started to go off. "Hello?" She said, as a look of total fear grew on her face. "Is everything ok?" Ben asked. "Not at all, my sister is dead." Ravine said as she began to cry and break down on the floor. "Come on, I'll take you to the hospital." Ben said as they both of them ran out of the library as fast as they could.


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