Chapter 12 Series Finale

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   Samara and Minerva busted into the room, and saw both dead Ravine and Samara on the floor. "Holy Christ, what happened?" Minerva asked. "That dead girl in the chair was possessed and she had a gun, help me bring them back!" Julia replied. "I can do this." Samara said as she walked over to Diana and placed her hands on her chest and closed her eyes tight. "You know the spell." Minerva whispered in Samara's ear. "I know." Samara snapped as she began to whisper it. "You're doing it! Keep it up!" Julia said with a smile as Diana turned into her cat form, then turned into a human. "Thank you, Samara!" Diana said with a smile as she hugged her. "I can't believe I actually did it!" Samara said with joy. "Now let's do Ravine." Minerva said as Samara placed her hands on Ravine's chest. "What are you waiting for?" Julia asked. "I feel nothing, I feel no power coming from her. It's not working!" Samara said. "Here, let me try." Julia said as she placed her hands on Ravine's chest. "Any luck?" Diana asked. "No, nothing." Julia said in disbelief. "We need to try something!" Samara said as she began to cry. "Honey, there's not much we can do now." Diana said as she began to tear up also. "We need to find a way to get her back to life, if it's the last thing we do." Julia said as she looked over at Diana's ruby necklace, and it turned green. "Why is your necklace green?" Minerva asked. "Crap, I used up all my lives. I only have one left." Diana said in fear, as Julia's long lost husband, Joseph, entered the room.


   Ruby, Baxter and Shadow all stood in front of the portal. "I placed a curse on the house so they can't resurrect anyone who dies there, the only way they can is if they take one of our lives in place of that person." Baxter said with an evil smile. "I'm impressed, you both are well prepared to kill every single one of them." Shadow said with an impressed look on his face. "The wedding is tomorrow, and it's going to be in my back yard, everything we've been planning for this long long time, all happens and ends tomorrow no matter what, promise?" Ruby asked as the both men shook their heads yes. "What's the plan?" Baxter asked. "Oh trust me, you'll find out soon enough, don't worry." Ruby replied with an evil smile.


   "Jospeh. What the hell are you doing here?" Julia asked in confusion and fear. "Someone told me to come here, that's all I know. I came for you Julia." He said as they both began to walk towards each other. "I thought you were dead." Julia said as her eyes began to fill up with tears, and they hugged each other as tightly as they could. "I missed you, so much." He said. "I missed you too, you came just in time, Samara's wedding day is tomorrow." Julia said with a smile. "Looks like I did, I'm happy to be here for all of you." Joseph said. "Well it's surely about time you came." Minerva said.


   Ruby stood outside in her big open backyard with Erica her maid. Everything for Dean and Samara's wedding were up and ready for tomorrow. "Erica, I'm gonna need your help with something tomorrow at the wedding." Ruby said. "May I ask what?" Erica asked. "Don't question this, but I need you to get Julia Ormen into the basement and get her into the torchere chamber, and get her strapped into the chair, and please make sure the portal is open and ready, and sending that witch back to where she came from for good, and the rest of her family will go with her, or they'll be killed." Ruby said with an evil smile on her face. "May I ask why?" Erica asked once again. "I get it, you're new to the all this supernatural, crazy witch stuff Erica, let's just say I'm working for a shapeshifter, who is gonna be helping me out tomorrow, he may or may not kill you, so, it's been nice knowing you just in case." Ruby said with a laugh as a look of fear grew on Erica's face.


   Samara and Dean were both sitting out front on Samara's porch. "Tomorrow is the big day." Dean said nervously. "It's gonna go great, I promise! Everything is ready." Samara said with a smile. "Samara, you don't understand, my mom is a whack job. She needs to be stopped." Dean said. "Come on Dean, after tomorrow you can move out, with me, together and forever!" Samara said with a laugh. "This isn't a laughing matter Samara, she's crazy, and I know for a fact something bad is gonna happen tomorrow, I'm just scared for the sake of you and your family that's all." Dean said. "Don't be, she won't try anything Dean, your mom is a sweet woman who cares about all of us, I promise you that, my mom has known her all her life, and if she tries anything, were more powerful than her." Samara said. "We just need to be careful and keep our eyes peeled." Dean said. "Got it." Samara replied back with a smile.

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