Chapter 6

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   Julia, Diana, Ravine and Minerva stood around the hospital bed staring at Samara's dead body. "Can we bring her back?" Ravine asked as she wiped the tears away from her face. "I think it's to late, we waited to long." Diana said in disappointed, as she locked the door so nobody else could get in. "We need to try, please!" Ravine said as she began to cry more. Julia stood there with a blank expression on her face staring at Samara. "Come on Julia." Diana said as she grabbed Julia's hand and she  placed it on Samara's chest. Julia closed her eyes and she began to whisper to herself. "We can do this." Minerva said as all the girls held each others hands and the made a circle around the bed. They began to say the spell, and as the spell became stronger and lights began to flicker all around the room. Samara opened up her eyes and she looked all around the room in fear.


   Mallory looked all around the house for Ruby or Dean, but she couldn't find either of them. As she looked into the next room, she saw someone left the basement door open. As she walked down the steps, everything was completely pitch dark. "I can't see crap." Mallory said to herself as she heard someone crying and screaming for help in the next room of the basement. As she quickly followed the noise, she came across the room that was completely taken over by the branches of barb wire and thorns. The maid of the house was stuck right into the middle of it. "Please help me." The maid said in a weak voice. "Hold on, just wait!" Mallory said as she tried to grab the maids hand, as the throne began to wrap around Mallory's arm, and it began to cut it open. "Just go, leave me!" The maid screamed in agony. "I'm stuck, it's wrapping all around me!" Mallory screamed as she tried ripping the thorns off and it began to tear her skin. Dean came behind Mallory and pulled her out of the thorns and back into safety. "What the heck is going on?" Dean asked in confusion and he looked at the thorns in fear. "We just need to get out of here!" Mallory replied as they both looked into the room and the maid was dead.


   Ravine sat down in the chair in the hospital room trying to relax her mind after everything that just went on. "Perfect, now we have some girl on girl time to chat!" Diana said with a smile as she sat down on the chair right next to Ravine. "Great." Ravine replied with a fake smile. "So, who's the guy that brought you here? Anything you wanna tell me?" Diana asked with a small chuckle. "'No, nothing. He's just a high school friend who's had a crush on me for the longest time, but I surely don't feel the same way." Ravine replied. "Well, just letting you know this, the Cloven girls have a dark past with men, and for whatever reason I feel a dark aura coming from you right now." Diana said.


   Ruby quickly busted through the front door of her house and looked everywhere for Dean. As she walked into the living room, she saw him and Mallory sitting on the couch. Dean was holding a white cloth against Mallory's bleeding arm. "What's the big rush, mom?" Dean asked. "You need to go to the hospital! Now! It's Samara!" Ruby said, as Dean quickly left the mansion as fast as he could. "I guess you don't care about what happened to my entire arm." Mallory said as the blood began to drip down her arm. "Why, what happened?" Ruby asked as she stared at her arm. "I think you should go down into the basement and see for yourself." Mallory replied as they both went into the basement, and Mallory led her to the room where it all happened. "Where's the maid?" Ruby asked. "She's right there." Mallory said as she pointed to the room with the growing thorns. "Great." Ruby replied with a sarcastic tone.


   Samara had finally awaken again and the first thing she saw was Dean sitting at the foot of her bed looking at her. "Thank god." He said as they both kissed. "Did the tests come back yet?" Samara asked. "Not yet honey, they need to keep you over night." Julia said. "And luckily I have night shift tonight." Dean said with a smile. "You poor thing, you probably have brain damage." Diana said as she looked at Samara in pity. "For brain damage, I sure remember an awful lot." Samara said. "What do you remember?" Minerva asked as she held Samara's hand. "Here, see for yourself, this is what made me come home in such fear." Samara said as she handed her phone over to Julia. Julia played the video, and Minerva, Ravine, Diana, and Dean all gathered around behind her to watch it. "Oh my god, that's evil oak growing in that house." Julia said in shock. "Wait, that's my basement." Dean said in confusion. "Wait, look at the background, I see someone standing there." Ravine said as she pointed at the phone. "That looks like Baxter." Diana said as she stared at the phone. "The brother I never met?" Ravine asked. "That's definitely him." Minerva replied as they all stood there in shock.


   Ruby and Mallory carefully pulled the maids dead body out of the evil oak and lied it on the floor. "So what do we do now?" Mallory asked as she stared at the dead body in disgust. "We get rid of it, and we don't say a single word to Dean about this." Ruby said with a serious look on her face. "You got it boss." Mallory replied with a sarcastic tone. "I'm telling you, don't tell him." Ruby said. "He already saw this, I was meaning to tell you, I bet you any money he's gonna question you about it." Mallory said as they both picked up the dead body as began to carry it down the hallway. "This can't be good." Ruby said.


   Julia, Diana and Minerva all gathered outside of the hospital room in the hallway. "This can't be happening, he can't be back, we left him back in the witch trials, he should be dead by now!" Julia said as she began to freak out. "It's obvious he's looking for us right now." Diana said. "Girls, come on, give him a chance. Julia, for Christ sake, he's your son." Minerva said as she put her hand on Julia's shoulders and tried to calm her down. "He betrayed us, and he got the girls killed to save his own ass, and when he comes back, or if he does, he'll tell the girls that they were reborn and can die any second now. Is that what you want?" Julia asked in anger as she stormed back into the hospital room.


   Dean and Harper were analyzing Samara's results from the incident that happened last night. "Everything seems normal, I don't see anything we should worry about." Harper said as she stared at the computer. She printed out a copy of the final results. "Thank god, if only I could find the idiot who did this to her, I'd kill him with my own two hands." Dean said in anger and he clenched his fists. "Calm down, just be glad she's ok and alive, don't waste your time on trying to get revenge on whoever did this, and just be thankful she's ok." Harper said with a smile as they both left the room.


   Ravine walked outside of the hospital and she Ben standing out there waiting for her. "Ben, you really didn't have to wait this long for me out here." Ravine said with a smile. "Of course I do, I know you don't feel the same about me, and I know I can be annoying sometimes, but I really care about you." Ben said with a shy smile as Ravine walked up to Ben and kissed him on the lips. "I know how you feel, I really do Ben." Ravine said as all of a sudden, Ben started to shake. "Ben, Ben, are you ok?" Ravine asked she stared at him in fear. Blood began to leak out of his eyes, nose, and mouth.  "No!" Ravine screamed as she tried to hold Ben but he fell to the ground and began to seizure even more, and he came to a dead stop. "Someone help me!" Ravine screamed. "He's gone, there's no point in trying to save him, sister." The man standing behind Ravine said as she turned around and it was her brother, Baxter.


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