Chapter 10

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As Ravine slowly began to walk through the field leading to her house, tears began to pour down her face, she looked up and saw the stars gazing upon her. She closed her eyes and felt a warm and safe feeling build up inside her knowing she did the right thing for Ben.


Dean stared down at Harper's dead body with Ruby standing in front of him in the distance. "How could you do this, you monster?" Dean asked as he pulled the needle out of Harper's neck. "You tried to kill me Dean, I had to, maybe she was better off dead anyways, I had no choice." Ruby replied. "Tell me who the shapeshifter is, before we came here, Harper told me she saw it, I wanna know." Dean said in anger as he slammed his fist against the wall. "You don't need to know about that, just worry about yourself." Ruby said. "Come on, I'm not an idiot, I know what's going on." Dean said with an annoyed look on his face. "I'm the shapeshifter's assistant, that's all, I'm the one who has been stalking and killing people in East Wood, I'm fulfilling someone's work who is no longer here." Ruby said with guilt in her voice. "But why did he pick you to do it?" Dean asked. "Because, he's coming very soon, and he's going to kill every single person in this town except me, because I helped him, that's my reward." Ruby replied. "Please stop, while you have the chance, because the next chance I get, I will kill you." Dean said as he left the room.


Samara, Julia, and Diana all entered the wedding dress shop, and were in shock about all the gorgeous dresses that surrounded them. "I think I might wanna customize my own." Samara said in excitement. "Whatever you would like honey." Julia replied with a smile as they met a worker named Abby. "Hi! Follow me to the back of the shop please." She said with a warm smile as they followed her to the back of the shop. "So I can customize my dress here?" Samara asked. "You sure can!" Abby replied back with a giddy tone as she pointed towards the computer and left the room. Samara sat down in the chair, and began to scroll the options for her dress. "No pressure." Diana whispered in Samara's ear with a laugh.


As Ravine walked into the front door of the house, she saw Minerva sitting in the couch watching TV. "You look like you were crying." Minerva said as she stood up from the couch. "I was, but I also feel kinda proud of myself in a way." Ravine replied. "And why is that?" Minerva asked. "I sent two ghosts away to a better place for eternity, and one of them was Ben, it was hard to do but I did it." Ravine said with a small smile on her face. "I'm proud of you, very proud." Minerva said as she looked at Ravine with a smile, and hugged her tightly.


Ruby was cleaning up the front room of her house for the guest that was coming very shortly with her maid, Erica. "Let's do this quick, before he comes." Ruby said in a bossy tone as she fixed the pillows on the couch. "So who's coming? Erica asked. "Don't worry about it." Ruby replied as they heard the door bell ring and Ruby shooed Erica out if the room. Ruby slowly opened up the front door, and Baxter walked into the house. "Ruby." He said. "Baxter, I knew you would come, now, let's get down to business, I've been waiting for this for the longest time." Ruby said with excitement. "So have I!" Baxter replied as they both walked downstairs into the basement.


Samara finally finished customizing her own dress, and turned the computer off before Julia or Diana could see it. "Come on, show us!" Diana said with a laugh. "Nope! Not until the day of the wedding!" Samara replied back with a smile as the worked of the store, Abby, came into the room. "Looks like we're done here, thank for all your help." Julia said. "Anytime, but can I ask you something?" Abby asked as she began to shake and act crazy. "Sure, go ahead." Julia said with a confused tone. "Weren't you the one who murdered that innocent man, then escaped a prison cell with a couple of dead officers left behind?" Abby asked as a look of shock grew in Samara and Diana's face. "Where did you hear that from?" Julia asked in fear. "Somebody is messing around with her mind, don't worry." Diana said. "But who in the world could be doing this?" Samara asked. "I know who you all are." Abby said with a creepy smile, as she grabbed a metal pipe off the floor and hit Julia across the face with it, knocking her on the floor. "Someone is controlling her! Stop her!" Diana yelled as Samara lifted her hand up in the air, and launched Abby across the room smashing straight into the mirrors. "Julia, are you ok?" Diana asked as she helped her up from the floor. "I'm fine, but what in the world is wrong with that girl?" Julia asked as she held her head in pain. "What's going on?" Abby asked in confusion as she dazed all around the room, bleeding from her cuts from the broken mirrors. "Oh nothing, you just fell, we should be going now." Diana said as she grabbed Julia and Samara's arm and ran out of the store as quickly as possible.


Julia, Samara, and Diana all finally returned home and were greeted by Ravine and Minerva drinking tea in the kitchen. "How did everything go?" Minerva asked. "Fine." Julia replied quickly as she saw someone standing outside of the window watching them. "What are you looking at mom?" Ravine asked in confusion. "I see someone out there, I can't make out who it is." Julia replied as she looked closer. "Wait, that looks like Abby out there." Samara said in fear. "What's in her hand?" Diana asked. "Oh great, it looks like a knife." Minerva said.


Alexa began to unload boxes off a big truck outside of the library. As she carried the box inside, she began to feel awful pains in her stomach. "Are you alright?" The elderly customer asked. "Yes, sorry, I'm fine." Alexa replied as she squeezed her stomach in pain, and collapsed on the floor. "Should I call 911?" A customer asked in fear. "Yes! Please hurry! I'm going into labor!" Alexa yelled in pain as she squeezed her eyes shut as hard as she could in pain.


"What is this girls problem?" Minerva asked as she stared out the window at Abby. "She's possessed, someone is controlling her, she's dangerous." Julia said. "How are we gonna stop her?" Samara asked in fear. "The only way to deal with someone who is possessed is by death." Diana said as Abby's eyes turned a bright blood red. "She's a demon." Minerva said as she stared at Abby in disbelief. "As long as we stay inside, we're safe." Ravine said as the lights flickered off outside and Abby disappeared. "What weapons do we need?" Minerva asked. "None, we're witches, we use out powers for these kind of matters." Julia said as they heard the front door bust open. "We don't want or need any trouble ok?" Diana said as Abby screeched at the top of her lungs and appeared out of no where, and cut cut Diana's arm open with the knife in her hand. Then disappeared again. "I don't have time for this crap." Minerva said in anger as she froze Abby in mid air so she couldn't move a single muscle. "Now what the heck do we do with her?" Ravine asked in confusion. "It's very simple, this." Diana replied as she snapped Abby's neck and her body fell to the ground. "Well, I guess that's one way to deal with it." Julia said with a small laugh. "This better mean my wedding dress is still coming in." Samara said as she stared down at the dead body on the kitchen floor.


Ruby and Baxter both sat down together in a dark room in the attic, with lighted candles all around them. "Let's concentrate and see how she did." Ruby said as they both gathered hands, and closed their eyes. "I don't see a thing, I don't think our plan worked." Baxter said. "This must be a joke, I possessed that innocent girl who worked in the dress shop for her to be killed? She's the one who should be killing them!" Ruby said in anger as she kicked all of the candles causing them to snap in half and burn out. "Their very powerful witches, and their a treat to us both." Baxter said. "Oh, don't worry, I'll have all of their heads mounted on my walk when this is all over, death shall rain over their house, I'm not messing around no longer." Ruby said with an evil smile on her face, as the room went completely dark.


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