Chapter 3

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   Ravine and Julia both sat down together in the dining room to talk. "Mom, I need you to teach me how to perform a spell to get a woman pregnant, please." Ravine asked. "You need to study." Julia replied quickly. "I did already! I read up on everything I need to know!" Ravine said. "Of course I'll help you, I'm so happy that you want to start using your magic now, but I have to ask you something." Julia said with a puzzled look on her face. "What is it?" Ravine asked. "You aren't trying to get yourself pregnant right? You have a whole life ahead of you for that." Julia said. "No! Are you crazy? It's for a friend." Ravine replied back with a laugh. "Oh thank god, now, let's to work." Julia said with a relived tone in her voice.


   An innocent man was walking down the streets alone by himself at night. As he made his way down the empty long back street, he tripped over an open pot hole in the road. As he tried to stand up, he saw his leg all busted open, and it began to bleed. As he pulled out a handkerchief out of his pocket, someone came behind him and stuck a long and sharpe piece of metal in his back so his spine broke in half. As he struggled to turn around, he saw the shapeshifter in human form as Julia standing there watching him suffer in agony and pain. "Please help." He said in pain, as the shapeshifter walked away and left him there to die.


   Ambulances and policemen fled the scene the next day due to the innocent man that was murdered out on the streets last night. Dean and Harper both got out the ambulance, and walked over to the body. "Another death." Harper said as she stared at the body in disappointment. "He looked homeless, why would someone do this?" Dean asked. "He's been here for a couple hours, his body is freezing cold, poor guy." Harper said as she ripped the long piece of metal out of his back. "Let's take him back to the hospital, and we can examine him back there." Dean said as they both left the scene of the murder.


   Ravine walked into the library just before it was about to close, she walked straight into the back and saw Alexa stacking books on the shelves. "Are you ready for this?" Ravine asked with excitement. "You better believe it!" Alexa yelled with joy as they both sat down at the table. Ravine pulled out four small candles from her purse and lit them around the table. Alexa faced Ravine and pulled up a part of her shirt showing her stomach. Ravine cracked an egg over her stomach, so the yolk completely covered her stomach. "Why an egg?" Alexa asked with her eyes closed. "Don't ask." Ravine replied quickly as she began to rub the yolk all around Alexa's stomach. Ravine closed her eyes and she began to whisper a spell to herself, as Ravine opened her eyes back up, she stood up from the chair. "Are we done?" Alexa asked, as the candles blew out all by themselves. "Yep!" Ravine replied with a smile. "Thank you, so much!" Alexa said as they both hugged each other.


   Julia and Diana both sat down on the couch in the living room. "If Baxter comes back, he's going to tell the girls about there past, it will be total chaos." Diana said. "Don't worry, we'll stop him if we need to, he was always an evil person." Julia replied with anger as Minerva walked into the room. "I guess I never really told you guys why I came back from the dead." She said as she sat down next to them on the couch. "You also didn't tell us where you disappeared to last night." Diana said. "Don't worry about that, someone opened up the portal leading back to the witch trials, I found out someone I happened to be in Eastwood, so I came here." Minerva said as she fixed the glasses on her face. "Wait, there's a portal?" Julia asked in confusion. "The shapeshifter probably let me out, I was in some sort of mansion." Minerva replied. "This portal is gonna bring trouble, that's all I know." Diana said.


   Alexa's stomach began to grow rapidly due to the spell Ravine did. As she was just about to walk out of the library, Ben stopped her. "Wait a second." He said with a strange look on his face. "What?" Alexa asked. "Your belly, it just got big out of nowhere." Ben said with a confused tone. "It's called being pregnant Ben." Alexa replied with an annoyed look on her face as she walked out of the library leaving Ben standing there with a puzzled look on his face.


   Diana walked outside of the house in the middle of the night to practice her spells alone in peace. As she sat down in the front lawn, she pulled out a small leather bag and took out some special ingredients. She closed her eyes and took in the darkness of the night all around her, she let out a deep sigh, and felt the power of the moonlight shining down on her. As she kept her eyes closed, she felt a dark aura lurking around behind her. She opened her eyes and turned around and saw Samara standing behind her. "Samara, you scared me." Diana said, as The Shapeshifter appeared. "Not Samara." The shapeshifter said with an evil laugh. "I saw this one coming." Diana said. "How aren't you dead? I'm pretty sure I stabbed you, looks like I'm just gonna have to do it again." The Shapeshifter said as she turned into Diana. "Not this time, sorry." Diana replied as she turned into her black cat form and darted out into the street, but just before she made it to the sidewalk, she was hit by a speeding car.


   "Girls, I can't find Diana anywhere!" Julia said as she began pacing nervously around the house. "Did you try calling her?" Samara asked. "No answer." Minerva replied as she put her cell phone on the table. "I heard the front door shut in the middle of the night." Ravine said. "Then let's go check outside." Julia said as the four of them walked outside of their house and saw the dead black cat lying in the middle of the street. "Go grab it and bring it back inside! Before it's to late!" Minerva yelled as Samara ran as fast as she could over to the dead cat.


   Ruby was downstairs in her mansion waiting for Dean to come home from work. As she heard the doorbell ring, she quickly ran over to the door, unlocked it, and opened it. As Ruby looked outside on her front porch, a look of total shock and fear grew on her face. "How the hell did you get her?" She asked with fear and disgust in her voice. "Hey girl, I'm sure you missed me, it sure has been awhile since we saw each other, 200 years to be exact, hopefully you didn't forget my name." The woman said. "Mallory, the idiot who stole my husband away from me, my only true love I ever had." Ruby replied with anger in her voice. "Let's hope you still aren't hung up over him, he's been dead a long time sweetheart." Mallory replied with a laugh, as she made her way into the big mansion.


   As Minerva laid the black cat on the counter in the kitchen, Diana and Samara stood behind her. "Let me do this." Samara said as she walked up to the dead cat. "Are you sure?" Minerva asked. "I'm sure." Ravine replied as Minerva patted Ravine on the back. Ravine closed her eyes and put both hands on the cat, and began to say a spell to herself. As the cats eyes opened up, Ravine's did also. The cat turned back into Diana. "Oh wow, that was interesting." Diana said with a laugh as she hugged Ravine. "Wait, Ravine, I forgot all about this but, this spell comes with a consequence for a young witch doing it for the first time." Julia said with a nervous tone in her voice. "Great." Samara mumbled as she knew more trouble was coming. "What's the consequence?" Ravine asked in a shaky voice. "To save someone you love, someone you love must die." Julia and Diana said at the same exact time, as they heard police sirens and flashing lights out side of their house.


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