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This is the first book in the Iron Defender Trilogy. This also happens to be my first Marvel fan ficion. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe timeline, this story takes place some time after Captain America: The Winter Soldier, even if the actual dates are stretched.

In this trilogy S.H.I.E.L.D. is the thriving and uncompromised agency it was at the beginning of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It is not contained by the limited resources as depicted in the television show. I began writing this trilogy before the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D. and feel that it is important to the storyline.

All ideas and plots in this story are my own. This story is made completely from my own imagination. All characters, minus Monica, Alex, and a few others, are owned by Marvel. I do not own anything about the Avengers or S.H.I.E.L.D. All rights of the Avengers and its supporting counterparts are owned by Marvel. However, my story is copy-righted and you may not use any of my ideas. Thank you for your cooperation!

Constructive criticism and feedback is appreciated! In fact, I encourage it. As long as you are not downright mean or nit-picky, I always allow feedback.

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