Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen: New Trainer

"Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you." -Princess Diana.


 I wake up ay my normal time for my morning training. I switch my pajamas for a pair of gym shorts and cotton tank top. I'm in autopilot as I tie my tennis shoes and pull my hair up. I put my earpiece back in to hear the beep of a message.

 "You're morning training sessions have now been rescheduled for nine o'clock to twelve-thirty. Thank you."

 The voice message ends with a beep. I cheer as I have a two more hours to kill. I plop back down on my bed, wrapping my blanket around me. I am already up and dressed, so it would be worthless in going to go back to sleep. However, it is still a nice feeling being able to bury my face back into my pillow.

 I do not pay attention to how long I lounge around. I am lost in my own thoughts as an idea comes to mind. I immediately smirk to myself before leaving my room, "Lucis, is room one-eighteen unlocked."

 "Yes," Lucis replies.

 I walk across the hall to Alex's room. I soundlessly step into his room, making sure the door makes no noise as I close behind me. "Alex!" I yell as loud as I can, jumping on his bed.     

 "What?!" Alex jolts up, swinging his arm in defense and knocking me off of the bed. I land with a loud thud on the thinly carpeted floor. My back cracks loudly from the impact. "What the heck Monica? Oh my gosh, are you okay? I made you cry, oh my gosh."

 I lay on the floor with tears streaming down my eyes. "I'm not crying, you idiot! I'm laughing!" I'm actually laughing so hard I don't make any noise.

 "Oh good, I thought I just hurt you or something," Alex sighs, lying back down.

 "Only hurting my plan to wake you up," I wipe the water from my cheeks.

 "And screaming my name wasn't enough?"    

 "Nope!" I jump back onto his bed, my hands and knees are on either side of Alex's legs. I notice something different spark in his eyes as I'm close to him. I start bouncing on his bed as I sing, "Wake up, wake up, wake up!"

 "I'm already up, you weirdo," Alex rolls his eyes.

 "You threw me on the ground, at least let me finish my plan," I play the pity card.

 "Fine," Alex gives in.

 "Wa-a-ake up," I hold out the softer note.

 "Are you done now?" An amused smile plays on his lips.

 "So, wake up!" I bounce one final time on the bed, "Okay, now I'm done."

 "You're so weird," Alex rolls his eyes, "I really need new friends."

 I chuckle as I sit upright, subtly pulling my tank-top up self-consciously. I sit back on my calves, keeping my weight off of Alex's legs. "Wait, why aren't you at training?" Alex's face is perplexed as he now notices what time it is.

 "It got moved back till nine."


 "I don't know, I just woke up and got the message."

 "So, you decided to wake me?"


 "Come on, let's go get-"

 "Hey, Alex, are you u- whoa," Doctor Banner pokes his head into the room, "Am I interrupting something?"

 "No!" Alex and I both exclaim at the same time.

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