Chapter Five

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Chapter Five: Bad First Impressions

"Don't wait for extraordinary opportunities. Seize common occasions and make them great. Weak men wait for opportunities; strong men make them." -Orison Swett Marden


 "Sir! We've detected the same aircraft flying in Oakley, California again! Just now a moment ago."

 "Get Stark on the line."

 He again taps his foot impatiently as he waits for Tony to pick up his phone.

 "Why are you calling me? I'm in the middle of a press conference."

 "Don't care, the same aircraft has been detected in Oakley. We need you to investigate now."

 "So? Have Rogers or someone check it out."

 "The aircraft appears to be an Iron Man suit."

 There's a pause on the line in DC before he responds.

 "I'm on my way."


 "I'll admit I'm very impressed," My mom chews on her salad as we eat lunch on the back patio.

 "Thank you," I take a bite of my own summer salad.

 "Oh! You finished the suit, sweetie?" My grandma asks.


 "And it works?" My grandma follows up. I nod my head as I have a mouthful of chicken and lettuce. 

"I can't say I'm surprised or that I ever doubted that your suit would be dysfunctional, but it is a relief to know that all of your efforts were not wasted," My grandpa comments with a chuckle.

 "Definitely, it would have crushed me to see all the hours you put into your project, all the days you locked yourself out in the garage turn out to be pointless," Grandma agrees.

 "Well, the thought never crossed my mind that you wouldn't succeed in the creation of your suit," Mom smiles warmly at me with her fork in the air.

 "It never occured to me that I would ever totally finish the suit," I nod my head to the side, "There came a point where I'd been working on it so long and no matter what I was never finished with the suit where I couldn't imagine looking at the suit as a finished project."

 "We're proud of you; it's truly a feat that I never could accomplish myself. We hope that with this new asset you will be able to use it to what your life is meant to be," My grandma ends the conversation on an open-ended expression. I deliberately look down at my salad when I observe the uncomfortable glances shared between my family.

 "Monica, don't forget it's your turn to do the dishes today after lunch," My grandmother informs me enthusiastically to change the topic.

 "Alright," I nod.

 "Hey, look who's up," My grandma beams as Alex walks out, freshly showered, with his own bowl of lunch.

 "Did you sleep well?" Mom asks as he takes a seat next to me, "Because I had to question my daughter if she experimented anything deadly on you because of the way you were passed out.

 "Yeah, but why were there Oreos on the floor and crumbs all over my face?"

 We three women turn to look at my grandpa. My grandpa is laughing so hard he doesn't make any noise. Alex's eyes flutter upward into his head, "Was he stacking Oreos on my face again?"

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