Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter Twenty-Eight: Only the Beginning

"Wherever my story takes me, however dark and difficult the theme, there is always some hope and redemption, not because readers like happy endings, but because I am an optimist at heart. I know the sun will rise in the morning, that there is a light at the end of every tunnel."  -Michael Morpurgo


 The Thanos case was finalized this morning. S.H.I.E.L.D. is working incredibly hard on covering up the Titan invasion. Word of Titan bodies and artifacts being secured at a secretive place called "The Fridge" comes through to us every day. It is a frantic scramble to make sure that no Titan weapons fall into the wrong hands. I mean, what do you think would happen if a terrorist group got a hold of a few Titan scepters?

 It feels much like the last day of school up on the helicarrier today. All of the Avengers are leaving today to return to their individual lives. Everyone has a bit of buzzing energy as they get ready to leave. We will disperse to somewhere in the world until they need us again.

 I do not have much to pack to take home, only my toiletries and a few other personal items. I mostly just spend my morning doing laundry to leave in my dresser in my room. I do not want the next time I am aboard the helicarrier to be stuck having only a pile of soiled clothes as my wardrobe. Alex, on the other hand, has to pack everything. He is not officially correlated to S.H.I.E.L.D., so he does not get the luxury of an assigned room.

 Alex is not sure what he wants to do with his future. He would love to have a job in something with computers and programming. He has enjoyed working with Doctor Banner; he wants to find a job similar, but involving more computers. Bruce agreed that they would stay in contact and he would request that Alex could come on board whenever he is. I know Alex is planning on pursuing an Information Technology degree. He took a few college classes this year, meaning he will be a sophomore in college this year. He is leaning towards taking it online in case something happens further with S.H.I.E.L.D. and so he can spend more time with me. He likes the flexibility of taking an online course. I told Alex that I'm fine with whichever he chooses, for his education is the most important thing he can do for his life. He has been accepted to Occidental College along with a few others, all offering hefty scholarships. Alex told me that he is looking at attending Occidental College, for I did highly recommended them since that is where I took my online course. Alex missed his high school graduation due to that he was in the hospital in Paris with me. I felt awful when I learned this; he missed such a momentous occassion because of me. His graduation was on the twenty-seventh of May when I was still unconscious, meaning technically I did have no control, but I still felt bad.

 "Hey, Happy and your mom are going to pick us up when we land," Tony knocks as he pokes his head into my room, "I think we're spending one night at your grandparents' before we head home back to the Los Angeles."

 "Who is Happy?" I inquire as I lift my head off of the pillow.

 "My-err, your mom's personal security," Tony responds with a wave of his hand, "We go way back."

 "Ah," I say as I still lay on my bed.

 "Are you feeling okay?" Tony clears his throat as he notices my lack of movement.

 "Just tired, I was packing and Director Fury had a meeting with me, so that wore me out," I sigh as I feel as if I have exhausted every one of my last energy reserves

 "Have you finished packing? Because if not, I'll help you," He offers as he takes a step into the room.

 "Yeah, I've finished," I wave my hand before using it to rub my head

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