Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen: Compatiblity

"It is easy to get everything you want, provided you first learn to do without the things you cannot get." -Elbert Hubbard



 "First we need to make Jarvis and Lucis compatible," I sit down behind my computer.

 "What do you mean?" Monica questions as she sits down at her own work station.

 "They need to be able to work together in the same system without interering with one another.  They need to share data and communicate without any bumps," I answer as I access Jarvis's mainframe, "Send me the HTL number and the ATCT code."

 Monica taps a few things in her own laptop before I get the numbers and codes on mine. I copy those numbers to part of Jarvis's mainframe.

 "You know you can just use the computer tables we have here right? I think you would find them much to your liking as you have a taste for cutting-edge technology," I offer.

 "Yeah, I suppose," Monica brushes me off, "I just like my laptop, but I'll play around with it sometime."

 "Lucis is powered up, right?"

 "Yeah," Monica nods.

 "New system found, beginning partnering," Both Jarvis and Lucis say.

 "What security program do you have on Lucis? Your firewall is of something I've never seen before and I couldn't access it," I ask Monica.

 "Eh, just kinda created my own," Monica shrugs as she focuses on her computer, "I took what worked from other programs but modified them to be unbreachable and undetectable when I'm in someone else's system. Also I'm undetected by any government satellite."

 "That's smart- you're like a ghost," I look at the black device in Monica's ear. I cannot help but notice  that it isn't like one of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s, "Where's your earpiece?"

 "What do you mean?"

 "That's not the one Fury issued you."

 "I can talk to him and any of the Avengers."

 "But it's still different."

 "It's mine, the one that Mom and Alex have, that goes with my suit," Monica finally answers, "I got it out of my suit before I was first taken captive."

 "You synced the two chips together," I assume as Monica nods, "Why did you keep your own though? Someone might notice."

 "It just fits my ear better, more comfortable. It's really not that big of a deal as long as I have a bluetooth," Monica shrugs exactly like how Pepper shrugs.

 To be honest, I'm still a bit in shock I have a kid- let alone a daughter who is on the same intellect field and not some girly princess. Howeber, I am happy that it is Pepper who I had it with; this would be a completely different situation if it was some one night stand with a girl I could not even remember. That could have also ruined my relationship with Pepper.

 "Earth to Tony," Monica waves her hand around.

 "Sorry," I shake my head, "Jarvis, pull up a full diagnostic on Monica's suit."

 "You want to read every little detail about my suit?" Monica clarifies as I nod, "Why do you need to know what my suit is made of and its capabilities?"

 "I want to compare our suits so I know what yours can and can't handle. I don't want to expect something of you when your suit can't handle it," I start reading through the thorough description, "I don't want to assume that your suit can do everything that mine can."

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