Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight: Not Exactly a Prisoner

"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws." -Plato


 "Thank you, Captain," I thank Captain Rogers as he shows me where I'll be staying.

 "No problem, my room is just down the hall if you need anything," Captain Rogers nods.

 "Do you treat all your captives with such royalties?" I ask, looking around at my comfortable room, "I was expecting more iron bars and a toilet in the corner of the room."

 "Well, maybe for actual prisoners, not one of our owns kid," Steve laughs, "I can arrange that for you if you'd be more comfortable there."

  "You know?" My eyes widen momentarily. Steve Rogers is such an iconic figure to S.H.I.E.L.D. and for him to know about me is actually quite intimidating. I have heard stories about him to where I don't think I should have the privelage of casually chatting with him like I am. I mean, he is Captain America.

 "Of course! It was very obvious that a girl, who looks like Tony, has the same sarcastic humor, and built an Iron Man suit. Plus, once your DNA results showed it was a fifty percent match of his, it was confirmed," Steve shrugs, "Took Tony way too long to put the pieces together."

 "Wait, Tony knows?" The hurricane of elephants picks up power in my body.

 "It took him a while. I wasn't going to tell him, but when he guessed it I wasn't going to lie either."

 "How did he take it?"

 "Had a small anxiety attack but nothing major."

 "Where is he now?"

 "He's on his way to talk to Pepper."

 I feel my hands start to shake as I realize everything is going to change now. I thought Tony would find out and the three of us would be a happy family. Worst case scenario, it would just take Tony time to warm up to me and vice versa. Never did it come to my mind that Tony would freak out. What if Tony is mad at my mom?

 "Are you okay?" Captain Rogers asks with concern etched on his face.

 "I-I should go down there," I dash to the door only for the captain to block it.

 "Whoa, I'm sorry, Monica, but you can't. I've been given orders to keep you on this aircraft."


 "No," Steve says firmly.

 "Fine," I huff, sitting on my bed.

 "I'm just surprised. Out of all of us, he is who would have a kid first! Tony was second to last, before Agent Romanoff, on my list," Steve muses, "And how old are you?"

 "Seventeen, eighteen in four months," I answer.

 "Really? I would have guessed twenty-one," Captain Rogers looks surprised, "I just want to know how you were kept hidden for so long?"

 "I live with my grandparents in Oakley. My mom would come up with an excuse every other month to come out and visit- whether it been some business meeting, my grandma was having surgery, or she'd leave whenever Tony was out of town," I answer.

 "And he never figured it out?"


 "Never got suspicious or anything?"

 "I don't know about that..."

 "I have to admit, you're a tough one to read. I was listening to your interrogation," Captain admits, "You had them in your hand."

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