Chapter Twenty-Four: Keeping Time

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~ I can't keep the rain from coming down, I've tried to explain away what I'm feeling now ~

Chapter Twenty-Four: Keeping Time

I stared up at my ceiling the next night, watching the fan move in slow circles. Max's breathing in my ear was even and slow, his back rising and falling steadily where he laid beside me on his stomach; he was nothing less than perfect, and I listened to his quiet snoring in almost awe. He'd had a rough night, and I was thanking the universe his sleep was finally restful.

It was almost three AM... Max would be waking up here within the next hour to be on set at five. I sighed quietly, knowing my lack of sleep was definitely gonna inhibit my ability to work as well, and I was just glad in that moment at least one of us was getting the sleep they needed.

Max shifted a little, and I stayed still, trying not the give away that I was awake. His arm that laid across my stomach shifted around my waist, scooting me closer in his sleep and curling me further into his side.

"You shouldn't be awake," my boyfriend's deep, sleepy voice startled me. I sighed, realizing he was awake enough to register I wasn't passed out beside him.

"I haven't been up for long," I lied quietly. Max shook his head, obviously seeing through me.

"Does this have something to do with me?" he asked quietly. "Something to do with what happened earlier?"

I sighed a little. "I just wanted to make sure you slept okay."

Max frowned, his features saddened. "I'm alright now, Symphony. The nightmare is gone. My dreams are full of nothing but your sweet presence. Please try to sleep."

I nodded a bit, feeling him shifting closer, his face in my neck. I stared up at the ceiling and tried to even out my breaths, faking slumber and coaxing him back into sleep.

"Baby, you can't sleep unless you close your eyes," Max whispered gently. I sighed, shaking my head slightly. "Please try. You'll end up falling asleep making coffee at work later, and might hurt yourself."

I thought for a moment, before slowly nodding, honestly this time, turning into his body and slotting myself against him. Max welcomed me softly, kissing my lips for a brief moment, soothing me lovingly.

"That's my girl," he whispered adoringly, smiling sweetly as he held me in his warm arms. I didn't respond, rather rested my forehead against the dip in his shoulder where his collar bone was and let out a soft breath. I let out a tiny smile; that was one of my favorite things for him to call me.

"I love you, cutie," he whispered.

I nodded, still a little uneasily. "I love you too, darling," I murmured.

I was pushed into a slow, nasty sleep.

It was almost eleven when I woke again, alone.

I shot up from my bed when my eyes caught the alarm clock, my mind racing as I realized I was four hours late. Storm jumped up and ran out of my room in dissatisfaction, letting out a quiet mew of distaste as I flipped out. I yelled a word or two I'm not proud of, throwing the covers from my body, wondering aloud why my damned alarm clock hadn't gone off... And then it hit me.


"Son of a..." I trailed off as I felt anger coursing through my body. I grabbed for my phone and dialed Max's number, knowing he was on lunch and wouldn't be on set.

"Hello, gorgeous," his voice greeted me casually. "How was your sleep?"

I couldn't help but let slip a little of my anger, ignoring his question. "Did you turn off my alarm clock when you got up this morning?"

The Usual... A Max Schneider Fan FictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz