3- Meet The Rest Of The Family

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“We had an agreement and you broke it!” he yelled as he walked around the room like a mad man.

“I broke it? Can you, please Liam, explain how did I manage to do that while I’m wearing sweatpants and walking to my car after freaking yoga?” Olivia was starting to lose her temper, “You are in South America and I’m in London, I have no clue of what’s going on,” she tried to keep it together again.

“It’s not her fault, we clearly have a responsible here. Harry is the one to blame,” I hated Zayn and his accurate comments.

“Yes, what’s up with you? We were supposed to leave right after lunch, you knew we didn’t want to stay,” Liam insisted.

“Can you all just give Harry a break?” Olivia interrupted from the speakers.

“Exactly! A break! We all need a bloody break and yet here we are, working again!” I’ve never seen Liam acting so irritated.

“First of all, you need to calm down.”

“She is right, dude. Calm the fuck down, you are hysterical,” Louis rolled his eyes from Liam back to his phone screen. He didn’t seem bothered at all, which was weird because he never missed a chance to give me a hard time, just for fun, “We are like at a castle or something, just relax and enjoy the Wi-Fi. This has to be government Wi-Fi, I think I’ve never seen anything this fast,” I laughed at how surprised he sounded.

Zayn grabbed his phone to test the speed of the Internet connection. Two down, Liam to go.

“Can someone, please, explain what happened?” Olivia’s job had a fancy name but sometimes all she did was babysit us.

“Enough,” I jumped in, “We were invited to spend the night here and I couldn’t say no. I don’t know what happened, I’m sorry.”

“I know exactly what happened,” Zayn scared me. What did he know? “It’s alright, mate, that man is scary. You chickened out.”

“Hey, you Abdul!” Louis called him. Zayn’s jaw clenched, from all of us, he was the one who hated Louis’ constant nicknames the most.

“Leave him alone. Ha did not get scared, the President is a sweet man.”

Liam shook his head and I could hear Olivia giggling on the other side of the phone. “He is nice, come on,” Louis widened his eyes as he pointed to the TV.

“You are right,” Liam narrowed his eyes.

“Can someone tell me what is happening?”

“Louis thinks someone can hear our conversation and he is trying to look nice for the President,” I spoke fast and turned to Louis, “What a sissy,” I gave him a pity look. The amount of chances I got to mess with him was really low so I couldn’t just let it pass.

“What? I was defending you. This is on,” he warned me.

“Stop it,” Olivia laughed, “You are at his desk, aren’t you? There are no microphones there.”

“How could you be so sure?”

“I’m not,” she coughed, “I’m just guessing. A President cannot take the risk of being recorded all the time, it’s common sense,” No, it wasn’t, “Anyways,” she quickly changed the subject, “It’s only one day, take the chance to visit around and have some fun. Liam, I’ll talk to Sophie, she will understand, I’ll send her a nice gift from you as an apologize and it’s done.”

“It’s not about that,” Liam tried to continue the argument.

“Yes, it is. Her sister’s graduation is tonight and that’s what you are so worried about. You wouldn’t have gotten here in time if you took the flight today anyways, so just drop it,” she said. I loved the way she was aware of every single detail. Well, I loved it when it didn’t involve me.

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