15- Meet Uncle James

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The way Veronica, Niall and Manuel were acting made me feel kind of nervous. I caught her hiding the envelope behind one of the books she had in her library and I made sure to remember which one was it because I was decided to steal a copy for myself as soon as I got the chance. I still keep that picture of our first date on my wallet until now.

"Why are y'all acting so weird?" Louis was the only one to remain calm and unaffected. "Is this guy important or something?"

"He is the Vice President," I let him know. "Be polite."

"I'm always polite," he shrugged. "Shouldn't you go wear something more appropriate?"

"Oh, you are right," I freaked out when I realized I was still wearing my sleeping clothes. "I'll be right back."

"Hurry up, Cinderella," he laughed at me.

"What does Cinderella have to do with anything?"

"He can't know that I was out with Harry, okay?" I heard Niall speak.

"Do you think I'm retarded or something?"

"I'll be the one talking, guys," Veronica interrupted them. "I'll just say that you two decided to stay because you wanted to visit Buenos Aires and that I thought it would be nice to have you staying here."

"Matthew always know when we lie," he sounded worried.

"That's because you blush every time you lie, Niall," she laughed at him and I silently thanked her for letting me know that. I was going to pay more attention at it from then on. "Let's not overreact. It's not a big deal," she continued.

"Your sister is right," that was Manuel's attempt to make things appear simpler. "This won't harm your father's image in any way so there's nothing to worry about."

"I hate it when the elections get close," Niall sighed and turned to look at me while I walked to the living room again. "You look good," he smiled.

"Gay," Louis coughed but, as soon as he saw Manuel's reaction, he realized that it wasn't the right time to make a joke of the kind. I think it was the first time I saw him blush like that and I enjoyed it very much.

"They are at the door," Manuel informed us and I saw Veronica taking a deep breath of air. It all made me feel even more nervous than I already was.

"Good morning," Mathew said as he entered the place. I didn't know why but the Vice President was still outside so I couldn't see what he looked like and the curiosity was only getting bigger.

"Hey, Mat," Niall greeted him with a hug.

"Hey there, you two." He walked to us. "Change of plans, huh?"

"Looks like it." I shook his hand. "We were not going to miss the chance to visit around."

"Good call," he answered. "Not so sure about the mustache thing though."

"I apologize on his behalf." Louis shook his hand as well. "In his defense, he is kind of dumb."

"I am so sorry if this is going to bring you any kind of trouble," I said sheepishly.

"Don't worry about it. This visit might make things look complicated but it's not actually a big deal." He turned to Manuel, "I'm sure this guy here has it under control. Have you heard from London?"

"I have spoken with Olivia a while ago," Manuel explained, "They would like them to go back to their country as soon as possible and Louis' presence here has to remain a secret."


"It's a funny thing actually," he said. "You see, our fans weirdly think that-"

"Louis," I interrupted him. I didn't want to give so many details to them and I don't even know why. "It's just a stupid thing," I tried to make it sound non important.

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