12- Meet The Secret Exit

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After I finished my confession, we both stayed in silence for a little while. I kept my focus on his face and he looked as if he was having a hard time to process what I just told him. Niall was never able to hide his emotions and that was definitely one of the things I used to love the most about him. Right when I was about to continue talking, he decided to say something.

“No, you don’t.”

“But I do,” I smiled, “I do like you. A lot.”

“Well,” the fidgeting on his hands came back, “I like you too. You are really nice.”

“No,” I laughed at how cute he was acting, “I don’t like you like that. I like you as a man.”


“You know that’s what I meant, Niall. Come on!”

“No,” he sighed, “No, I don’t know. Sometimes I just understand whatever I want from stuff.”

“Why is this so hard to believe for you?”

“Because you are Harry freaking Styles,” he spat, “And I’m literally nobody.”

“Stop it,” I rolled my eyes, “You are someone. A very special someone that I happen to like.”

“You mean special like in retarded?” he frowned, “I’m not retarded. I’m a bit slow and kind of immature-”

“Stop trying to change the subject,” I interrupted his ramble, “You are not retarded and you are not that immature. And I like you,” I repeated just to make my point even more clear.

“But look at my teeth,” he pointed to his mouth again.

“They are adorable.”

“What? No, they are not,” he blushed, “And look at my hair.”

“Your hair makes you look even cuter,” I was actually enjoying all of his reactions, “And look at your eyes. They are beautiful.”

“I can accept that. I like my eyes,” he laughed.

“So,” I hesitated for a while because that little boy made me feel like a young teenager again, “Do I have a shot with you or not?”

“Is this really happening?”

“Of course it is,” we stayed in silence again and the whole situation was just making me feel very anxious and insecure, “Can you just, please, give me an answer already? I’m freaking out here.”

“I’m the one who’s freaking out,” he laughed again.

“So,” I dragged the last letter for a little bit too long, “No then?”

“Is someone filming this?”

“You said there were no cameras in here!” I freaked out and inspected the ceilings again.

“Am I getting Punk’d or something? Are you the new host?”

“Never mind, Niall,” I rolled my eyes and got up. Snapping at him felt bad but I seriously couldn’t handle the anxiety anymore.

“I’m sorry,” his small voice made my heart skip a bit.

“No,” I walked to sit next to him again, “I’m sorry. I really am,” I hated myself because I was trying to pay so much attention in not giving him any kind of pressure but his reaction made me realize that I was actually doing it. I was forcing him to give me an answer to a question that was obviously too hard for him to digest.

“It’s just that,” he seemed to be struggling to find the right words to say.

“You don’t have to say anything, Ni,” I tried to sound protective, “You really don’t have to. I just wanted you to know the reason why I decided to stay and now you do, so that’s fine for me.”

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