14- Meet The Argentinian Paparazzis

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Being able to walk around the city without getting recognized was something I enjoyed very much. It actually had me considering the idea of moving to Argentina for a little while. I literally thought paparazzis weren’t a thing down there but it didn’t take me long to see how wrong I was.

“Can you pick that up already?” Louis’ grumpy voice woke me up from my sleep.

“What?” I struggled to open my eyes, “What are you saying?”

“Your freaking phone, Harold,” he yelled at me, “It’s been ringing non stop for the past half an hour. Pick it up!”

“Sorry, I didn’t hear it,” I apologized as I tried to reach my phone from the nightstand. When I was finally able to grab the ringing device, I half opened my eyes to check on the screen, “Ugh,” I complained, “Private number again.”

“Just pick it up,” Louis threw a pillow at me.

“Hey!” I warned him, “Hello?” I tried to ease my morning voice a little but it was useless, I couldn’t help to sound like an alcoholic smoking addict old man during mornings.

“Are you kidding me?” Olivia’s threatening tone of voice made me jump from my bed.

“Hey, Liv,” I frowned as I tried to wake Louis up with my hands, “What happened?”

“Are you kidding me?” she sounded so pissed and it was starting to worry me a lot. I needed Louis to be there, awake with me so I kept bumping his back.

“You touch me one more time and you die,” he turned around to warn me.

“I’m not sure I’m following you,” I stuttered as I turned the speakers on for my band mate to hear our manager yelling at me.

“I asked you to give me one day,” she spoke slowly and trying not to lose her temper, “One day I said and what did you do?”

“Um, nothing,” I mumbled, “What did I do?”

“Are you seriously going to pretend you didn’t do anything, Harold?” she raised her voice and I was officially scared. I turned around to see Louis fully awake and with a huge smirk on his face. He used to always enjoy seeing me getting scolded by her. It didn’t happen often so he wasn’t going to miss the chance to see it happen.

“Um,” I seriously didn’t know what was I supposed to say. I had no idea of how she found out but it seemed as if she knew about my afternoon in the city the day before.

“A mustache?” she yelled, “A freaking mustache?”

“What?” Louis sat up on the bed, “Olivia, please explain.”

“Am I on the speakers again?” she sounded frustrated, “Louis, please don’t tell me that you went out too.”

“Harry went out? What?” he gave me an accusing look.

“What is Harry Styles doing disguised in Argentina?” she read a tabloid out loud, “How are we liking Harry Styles with a mustache?” she kept on reading, “Oh, but wait, this is my favorite one,” she tried to sound sarcastic, “Harry Styles tries to escape the paps by wearing a very ridiculous outfit.”

“Oh my God,” I mouthed to a laughing out loud Louis, “I am sorry,” I said sheepishly.

“Sorry? Aren’t you sorry?” she kept raising her voice, “Do you know how bad this makes me look? Do you know how many calls I got since this thing exploded on the web?”

“I need to see this picture,” Louis kept on laughing, “Olivia, link me!”

“What were you thinking, Harry?” she ignored him.

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