11- Meet Us Together Again

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I can still remember the look on his face when he saw me, and the happiness I felt when I realized I was the reason behind that sweet reaction.

“Watch your mouth, Niall,” I teased him because I remembered that was what his father told him when we first met.

“Okay, Mr. President,” he answered with that joyful smile of him that had me so addicted.

I walked towards him, expecting just to give him a hug but, as I had him in between my arms, I couldn’t fight against the urge I felt to give him a kiss. I pecked his cheeks and I noticed the way he closed his eyes when it happened. I felt a bit embarrassed at first but I shook it right away.

“What are you doing here?” he sat on the couch and I followed him.

“Why are you blushed?” I ignored his question but he looked even more ashamed, “Come on, tell me.”

“Well,” he looked hesitant, “You kind of just kissed me.”

“I did,” I took a pause to check on his reaction, “That’s what we do back in the UK,” I lied, “Did it make you feel uncomfortable?”

“No,” he laughed, “We do it here too but I just wasn’t expecting it. That’s all.”

“Are there cameras in here too?” I suddenly remembered about that thing and I kind of freaked out a little.

“Nope,” he checked on the ceiling, “Do you actually think Veronica would let them do that?”

“I was just wondering,” I smiled, “You asked me what I was doing here, right?” He nodded in response, “I decided to stay a little longer and Veronica said I could stay here.”

“Good. There’s a lot of stuff to see around the city.”

“That’s not exactly the reason why I decided to stay,” I wanted him to ask me more about it but he was so careful and respectful so he just stayed quiet, “Louis stayed too,” I commented, eager to see what his reaction would be.

“He did?” he turned to me and he looked surprised.

“Yes,” I sighed, “You really do like Louis, don’t you?”

“He is very funny and I love all the nicknames he comes up with. Today I tried to do something of the like with Antonia. I called her Mrs. Doubtfire but nobody understood it. It made me look stupid.”

I laughed at how cute he was, “That’s funny actually.”

“I know, right?” he seemed proud, “But Matthew said it was disrespectful.”

“I don’t think it was but hey, if it comes out as disrespectful, it only means that you are imitating Louis just fine.”

We shared a laugh but then Niall turned serious, “He is kind of rude sometimes.”

“Kind of?”

“Is it really that obvious that I’m,” he stayed in silence and looked around to see if someone was around, “Well, gay?” he whispered really low and the blush on his face came back. It was so adorable every time it happened.

“No, it isn’t,” I quickly tried to comfort him, “It really hurt you what he said, didn’t it?”

“It didn’t hurt me, no,” he started fidgeting with his hair, “But am I really a faggot?”

“Oh, Niall,” I rolled my eyes and remembered how much I hated Louis for that, “Of course you are not. You are very manly.”

“What?” he laughed out loud for a few minutes, “I’m not.”

The President's Son [narry]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz