Chapter 5 (edited)

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Chapter 5

Once again, I caught myself thinking how wonderful it would be if only death would come, so then I wouldn't have to put up with Casper's shit anymore. I've been here for over a month and have been hit so many times, that I finally lost count. I'm at the point, where I want to close my eyes and never wake up. I do every thing that Casper asks out of fear that he will hurt me. Not once has he stopped to think about how badly he treats me.

I have lost track of what day it is and I can only tell the difference between night and day, because I can look out my bedroom window. I can't even remember what fresh air smells like, or how warm the sunlight feels upon my skin.

There aren't enough hours in the day for the amount of work that Casper has me do, and I'm lucky if I get four hours of sleep each night. Lately, I've cleaned his office, done the washing, and cleaned the lounge. I also have to clean the formal dinning room, dinning room, kitchen, library, the hallways, and his bedroom daily.

Despite the fact that some of those places are rarely used, I still have to make sure there's no dust or anything out of place. You'd think that it wouldn't take all that long, but with the size of the rooms, and the house, it takes forever. Oh, and it doesn't help the fact that I have to clean all these rooms by myself. It's exausting.

I try my best to get it all done as quickly as possible so I can have a moment to try and relax. I am not allowed to do anything for myself, If I'm lucky, I can have a bath without Casper getting shitty.

I walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water before I started cleaning. I saw April notice how badly bruised I was and that I could hardly move.

“I'll help you today sweetie," April offered gently.

“It's okay, I don't want you to get into any trouble."

April looked at me and shook her head as she replied, “I won't get in trouble for helping you.”

It took April five minutes of arguing with me before I agreed to let her help me. Together we decided to start with the formal dinning and dinning rooms.

“They'll be the easiest and quickest," said April.

Since she had been working here for years, I took her word for it and didn't argue with her.

We quickly cleaned our way through the two rooms, it still took us around two and a half hours.

“We should move onto the lounge, and then Master's bedroom," April announced.

I nodded in agreement, but all I wanted was sleep. My eyes felt so heavy, or maybe that was just the swelling. My eyes have been black since the first day I woke up here. I wandered around the lounge straightening and moving things, before I started to vacuum.

Four hours later ,all my chores were completed, and there was no sign of master. 'Maybe he went out before I awoke this morning,' I thought.

“Everything is done for the day...well, that is until master gets home. When he returns he will want dinner, of course," April said. That confirmed my suspicions that Casper was out for the day, maybe I could finally get a little rest.

“How long will he be out for?” I asked. I hoped he wouldn't be home soon. If he was, there was no way I could get any rest.

“Until about ten tonight," she replied giving me a knowing smile.

“Am I allowed to have a bath and a little sleep before he returns?" I asked hopefully.

“ 'Course you can honey," April assured me.

I Married The Prince Of Darkness (Winner Watty Awards 2012)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα