Chapter 7 (Edited)

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Chapter 7

Casper's P.O.V

We sat in the room watching The Notebook. I really hate this movie, it's one of Sapphire's. I could tell Crystal was getting tired because of the difference in her hear beat.

She fell asleep sitting against the arm of the chair. What I wasn't expecting was for her to move her head into my lap. I froze unsure of what to do, so I left her alone. I turned off the TV because I was too afraid to move in case she woke up.

I sat there for a good two hours just listening to her heart beat, and watching her eyes move behind her eye lids. I could of listened in on her mind to see what she was dreaming about, but I decided I was going to keep out of her head.

I couldn't help but think of how horrible and mean I was to her when I first brought her here, but I'd had my heart broken in the past. I had suffered betrayal and loss, and I knew what women meant when they talked of heartbreak.


It was the early 1900's and I had decided to go for a late night walk one night. I was aimlessly walking through the streets when I thought I heard a voice I knew too well. I walked around the corner, and there she was against a wall. Some guy stood in front of her, his hands were all ever her. He had his mouth on hers, and her skirt was up around her waist. His pants were down around his ankles and one of her legs was hitched up on his hip.

Mary?” I asked in disbelief.

She didn't say anything, she pushed the stranger away and told him to run. He did as she asked, and me being the killer I am, I should have gone after him. I couldn't move though, I had just realized my Mary was a whore!

Please just listen to me!” Marry pleaded.

Why should I? After what I just saw, I should rip your throat out!” I snapped at her.

Please just listen I had no choice, I had to," she said

You had to screw some dirty man? Please don't give me that, 'I had to' shit!" I said as I turned to walk away.

Mary grabbed me by the arm and tried to turn me around, but I stood my ground not saying a word to her.

That's when it happened, someone jumped out of the shadows and staked me. Of course it wasn't a killing blow, but it paralyzed me.

Quick take him to the house before someone sees," I heard an unfamiliar voice say.

It sounded like a male and from what I could tell, he was tall and muscular. He outweighed me, and his scent told me that he was too, a Vampire. He was also younger than me, but had caught me off guard. How could she do this to me? I loved her and she hurt me, more than I could ever imagine.

******END OF FLASHBACK******

I was brought out of my dream of the past, because Crystal started to stir in my lap. I didn't want her to wake up, she looked so peaceful. I know that soon, I'm going to have to apologize for the way I treated her. I was so cruel to her when she first arrived. I will tell her the truth, but right now I can't. It still brings back too many memories and emotions.

When it started getting dark, I decided to carry Crystal up to bed. I didn't take her back to one of the guest rooms, I took her to the room beside mine. I'll feel better knowing she's not on the other side of the house.

Usually, I would stand at her door listening to her heart, but now there's no need. I can hear it from my own bed. I laid her in bed and covered her up, before turning and closing the door behind me. I went into my room and got ready for bed, and that night I slept like a baby for the first time in years.

I awoke the next day to hear that Crystal was still sound asleep. That made me smile. I know she was up during the night, because I heard her stumble across the room looking for a light switch.

After deciding to get out of bed and get dressed, I made my way down stairs to start on breakfast.When I got down to the kitchen, I was trying to figure out what I should make.

“What is her favorite?” I asked out loud.

“Bacon and eggs.”

Without me noticing, she had walked into the kitchen and was sitting at the table.

“Crap you scared me,” I said laughing.

“I'm sorry I thought you would have heard me."

“I was too busy trying to think of what to make. So would you like bacon and eggs?” I asked.

She didn't answer me right away. So I thought that maybe she hadn't heard me, but then after a moment she just nodded her head yes. So I got out everything I would need and started cooking.

“Do you like your bacon crispy?” I asked her.

“A little but not too much, and I like my eggs sunny side up.” she said with a smile.

'Gosh she has the most beautiful smile' I thought. While I was cooking I noticed she would take a quick look, and quickly look away like she would get in trouble. 'I'm not going to hurt her ever again, how am I going to prove that to her?' I thought to myself. I need a plan to show her I'm not really like that.

A party. That's what I'll do, I'll throw a party and invite my close friends and family. I'll get Sapphire to organize it, because that's what she's best at.

I finished cooking and placed the food and plates on the table. She didn't even have to think about it before she reached for some bacon and eggs off the plates.

“Do you have any sauce?” she asked.

“Of course,” I replied as I walked towards the pantry and grabbed a few different ones. I walked back to the table and placed them in front of her as I sat down across the table from her. I filled my plate and began eating, enjoying the comfortable silence. I needed to do something to keep her occupied. I'll take her shopping. We're nowhere near where she used to live, so I don't need to worry about her being seen. Plus this is a Vampire community after all, and I know no one will hurt her because I'll have their head if they try.

“How would you like to go shopping today?” I asked as I put the plates in the dishwasher.

“Really?!” she asked.

“Really, we could go buy you some new clothes," I replied.

“I'd love to go shopping, but I need to go home and get my credit cards. I left them at home the night of my party."

“You can't go home Crystal. I'll pay for whatever you may need," I said.

I could see the hurt in her eyes but I can't let her go, I don't want her to leave me. She was made for me I just know it. After all, she's my soul mate.

I Married The Prince Of Darkness (Winner Watty Awards 2012)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant