Chapter 14 (Edited)

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Chapter 14

I couldn't believe what I'd just heard, as I stared deeply into Casper's eyes. He loves me! He actually loves me! He didn't speak and nether did I, I was still very aware of my hand in his.

“I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that, I thought you were asleep.”, he mumbled as he looked at the floor.

He went to release my hand but I held onto his tighter. I knew I couldn't physically hurt him, so I used all my strength and grabbed him as tight as possible.

“Don't go.”, I finally managed to say.

He didn't release my hand and took a seat next to me.

“Why did you say those things?”, I asked him.

“I thought you were sleeping, otherwise I never would have said them.”

“Who not?”, I questioned him.

“Because I didn't know how you'd react.”, he replied honestly.

I didn't know what to say, I've argued with myself for the last few weeks, about the fact that I love him. Although for some reason, I just couldn't bring myself to say those three little words. So instead I just said,

“I like you too.” Great, that made me feel quite stupid. He declares that he loves me, but I'm too chicken to say the words back.

Just then Sapphire came running into the room.

“Casper, you have to come quick! I just received a phone call that father is very sick. We need to leave for England now!”, she said.

“That can't be.”, he whispered.

“What does this mean?”, I asked fearfully.

“If he dies, I take the throne and for that to happen, I have to be married.”, he replied. He soundedvery worried, I don't think I've ever heard him speak like this.

“You'll become king?”, I asked.

“Not unless I'm married.”

I didn't know what else to say, so I stayed silent. While Casper was arranging a flight to England for Sapphire and himself, I walked up to my room and laid on my bed. If Casper's father dies, Casper will have to get married and take the throne. I know he said he loved me, but I can't stand in the way of him taking the throne where he belongs.

Just as I started to nod off, there was a knock at the door.

“Can I come in?”, Casper asked.

“Of course, it's your house after all.”

“Why aren't your bags packed?”, he asked confused.

I looked at him like a complete idiot. Why would I be packing my bags, it's not my father who is sick. No that I could go be with my father anyway, but I still don't see why I need to pack.

“Why would I need to pack?”, I asked.

“You seriously don't think I'd leave you here alone, now do you?”, he asked incredulously.

Honestly I thought he was going to, he didn't tell me to pack. So therefore I didn't assume I was going with them.

“Actually yes, I did think I was staying here. You didn't tell me to pack, so I didn't.”, I replied.

“Well you are going, so hurry up and pack a few things. We will get you more stuff when we get to London.”, he said.


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