The Shadowhunters

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When Tessa finally came to, a strange man was inspecting her. He wore a large cloak to shield his face, but Tessa could faintly see his face. The coloration of his skin was dull and gray, like an ancient statue; timeless and lifeless. Strange symbols were all over his face and body, carved into his skin as if by a knife. Most disturbingly, his mouth seemed to have been sewn shut. Seeing she had awoken, the man looked up at her. Tessa heard the words Are you harmed in her head and shrieked, jerking backward to the headboard of the bed she lay on.

"Do not be alarmed, Ms. Gray!" A feminine voice called out to her. The voice belonged to a woman who had been sitting at her bedside. She was definitely older than Tessa but was rather small. Her face was quite neat, as though measured by a mathematician to have complete symmetry. Her fair brunette hair had also been tied into a calculated knot, away from her face. The woman looked at Tessa with warm brown eyes and spoke. "I am Charlotte Branwell, and you are safe here at the London Institue, Ms. Gray. This man is a Silent Brother, Brother Enoch. He is here on a mission to riddle out what you truly are."

"Do Silent Brothers usually communicate through telepathy?" Tessa asked the woman, relaxing, though only slightly.

"As frightening as it seems, it is the only way that the Silent Brothers can communicate. They have forsaken sound in order to devote their lives to research."

What you are, Brother Enoch continued, seemingly unoffended by Tessa's reaction to him, is quite a difficult question to answer. You are definitely a  Downworlder, perhaps even a Warlock. It is difficult to tell, what with the lack of a mark.

"Downworlder? Warlock?" Tessa repeated, completely bewildered.

"A Downworlder is someone who has some sort of demonic influence, like blood for example," Ms. Branwell explained. "A faerie is one such Downworlder. They are a half-angel, half-demon hybrid and a rather reclusive race. There are also werewolves and vampires, who are humans with demonic illnesses. The kind of Downworlder that Brother Enoch believes you to be is a Warlock, who is a half-human and half-demon that can perform magic. A warlock usually has some sort of demonic mark on his body revealing him as one, and you do not, which is quite puzzling."

"I see," replied Tessa. How unfortunate that even the people that specialized in supernatural aberrations did not know what she was.

"Well, Ms. Gray, I understand that this is a lot to take in. I will give you a moment to process all this. We do not know who the people that abducted you are but have reason to believe that they are a part of a larger conspiracy. We will aid you in rescuing your brother, but in the mean time would prefer if you were to remain at the London Institue, for your own safety." Ms. Branwell exited the room, leaving Tessa alone with Brother Enoch.

Ms. Gray, what I told you before is not the complete truth, told Brother Enoch, there is a possibility that you are an Eidolon, a shapeshifting demon.

" A demon?!"

It is the only other known possibility. I have never come across someone like you in all my life, so I may well be wrong. But it is a possibility. I assumed that you would prefer to be the first to hear this, so I did not divulge this information while Mrs. Branwell was in the room.

"Ah, yes. Thank you, Brother Enoch." Brother Enoch rose from his seat and left the room without producing the slightest of noises. Tessa fell back on the bed, overwhelmed by the events of the day.

In a twisted way, Tessa had gotten what she wanted, a change. But this was not the change that she wanted. She had wished for an ideal life living with her brother, writing her own books, eventually falling in love and starting her own family. Tessa had never wished for her brother to be taken away from her, and to be confined in a dark house for six weeks. Most of all, she didn't want to be a demon. But perhaps hope needn't be lost. In every story she had read, the heroine had to overcome some great obstacle to achieve her happily ever after. So would Tessa. She would brave any storm and climb every mountain to have her happily ever after.

Energized, Tessa ascended from the bed, her toes curling as they came in contact with the cold marble floor. She paused to look herself over in the mirror. Her eyes were watery and red; thick brown hair sticking up in various directions. Her skin was ghostly pale from being indoors exclusively for such an extended period of time.

Tessa's lungs longed for the smell of fresh air, skin tingling with want to feel the wind. Tessa laced up her boots and briefly straightened her unruly hair. After somehow navigating the maze-like corridors of the institute, Tessa left the institute and practically sprinted out of the gates. She knew it was improper for a lady to be out without an escort but she needed to be outside.

The cool, mid-May breeze caressed Tessa's body and ruffled her hair. Springtime had always been Tessa's favorite time of the year when the parks in London were blooming and rains came fewer so the sun had more time to shine. She closed her eyes and allowed the sweet smells of freedom to entice her senses.

Tessa had been peacefully strolling down the street when the haunting sound of a violin swept her out of her reverie. The music sounded so poignant, as if the player had experienced such great sorrows that words could not even begin to describe it. Tessa found herself drawn towards the sound, wanting to know about this desolate man.

Tessa followed the violin until she came at an arching footbridge running across the River Thames, Blackfriars Bridge. There he stood; a silver-haired man playing the violin in the moonlight, fixated on it as if it were all that mattered to him in the world. For a while, Tessa stood watching the man play as the notes weaved their way into her bones. The entire world was lost to them, all that existed was the man and his beloved violin.

He did pause, in due time, to see who was his unexpected audience. He looked incredibly bleached, as though someone had sucked all the color from him. His eyes, hair, and skin were all white. But there was a winsome feeling to him like an angel; graceful and pristine. He was as lovely as the virgin snow.

"Oh, I'm dreadfully sorry for disturbing you, sir," said Tessa."The sound of your violin was so moving, I had to hear it more closely."

The man gave her a kind smile."Don't apologize for enjoying my music; I'm very glad you came to hear it. I play here on Blackfriar Bridge almost every week and the world just ignores me. I was beginning to think that I am not as good as my friend Will tells me I am."

"That's preposterous! Your violin was so beautiful I felt like you had taken me into another world entirely! It was as lovely as a stroll through a blooming garden!"

"I'm very glad that you have such enthusiasm for my music, Ms. Gray."

"How do you know my name?"

"How would I not? Will has been talking none stop about how he "bravely trudged into unknown territory" and "single handed felled an automaton foe."

"Indeed. I quail at the mere thought of what may have happened to me if he hadn't found me when he did."

"Charging into danger all by himself; how like Will," The man chuckled "Oh, I am James Carstairs, one of the three wards living in the London Institute."

"Ah, yes the institute. I had a question about that. What is it an institute for, exactly?"

"The institute serve as the local power bases of the Nephilim, much like embassies in the mundane world. Charlotte Branwell and Mr. Henry Branwell are the heads of the London Institute," Upon seeing Tessa's bemused look, Mr. Carstairs elaborated further. "The Nephilim, or shadowhunters, are the guardians of the mundane world. It is our sacred duty to protect mundane from demons and maintain order between the Downworlders." Tessa nodded, understanding.

The night grew darker and Mr. Carstairs offered to escort Tessa back to the Institute.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, Ms. Gray."

"Likewise, Mr. Carstairs."

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