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"Our own failures will guide us to avoid making the same mistakes we made from the past."
- Halcyon Evenfall

In the end, I couldn't win her heart, I

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In the end, I couldn't win her heart, I

couldn't stand beside her, I couldn't

protect her. I couldn't be with her. I

felt so powerless but that pain

developed me into a better person. I

have learned a lot of lesson from it. It

changed me from being shy to a

confident person. I see the world

much clearer now. I became more

appreciative for the things I have. It

was not yet the end of the world for it

opened my eyes.

I thank God for this journey he gave

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I thank God for this journey he gave

me. I didn't manage to be with her but

it made me a strong person. I thank

my friend who always backed me up

and support me. I thank my fellow

Aikidoka for being with me in my

times of joy and sorrow, comforting

me whenever I felt down. I thank the

taekwondoin who became friendly to

me even though I wasn't part of their

varsity team. Still, they let me train

with them to sharpen my skills and of

course, I thank her. Every moments

that happened passed like a dream.

that happened passed like a dream

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There might be a chance you are

reading this and all I want to say is

thank you. Thank you for training

with me. Thank you for the joy you

gave to me. Thank you for the

moments we spend together and most

of all, thank you for being a part of my

life even though I was not part of

yours. I'm sorry I didn't told you how I

felt about you. I'm sorry for not

fighting for you. I'm sorry for making

you angry sometimes. I'm sorry if you

have to spend your time training with

me intead of resting after your

training and I'm sorry I couldn't be

with you but I hope you will be happy

with him. I really felt sad when you

didn't train anymore. I don't know

when you will come back or ever

come back and I still want to tell how

I felt about you but even though you

may hate me for it, I still wish for

your happiness.

your happiness

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Thank you,

for the moments with you.

Moments with HerWhere stories live. Discover now