Kidnapped By Witches

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Caroline sighed as she turned over in bed. She had no thoughts of getting up and getting ready for the day. All she wanted to do is stay in bed a pretend that the man she was hopelessly in love with didn't just leave Mystic Falls.

She had just arrived the night before from college on her summer break. Her mother welcome her with a kiss and hug before heading to bed after a late shift. Caroline sighed when her phone rang. She reached over and grabbed it from the nightstand.  It was Elena.

"What do you want Elena?" She said.

"Well good morning to you."

"I'm not in the mood so what do you want." She said.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping with me and Bonnie." Elena said.

"No thanks" Caroline said before hanging up. She loved Elena but she had had enough of her drama. She had her own drama that she had to deal with so forgive her if she didn't want to listen to another session on how the Salvatore brothers are bugging her to choice again. Caroline heard footsteps downstairs and thought they were Elena and Bonnie's.

"I thought I told you I didn't want to go shopping." She said getting out of bed and heading downstairs. As she turned the corner she felt someone grab her and a needle go into her neck. The last thing she heard was a female voice saying step one completed. She woke up a few hours later a soft bed that wasn't her own to a person she didn't know standing with her hands over her stomach chanting. The woman had dark brown hair and green eyes and chocolate colored skin

"Lay still please"  the woman said.

"Where am I?" Caroline said.

"You are in New Orleans" Another woman with light brown hair and brown eyes and light brown skin said as she walked up and stood next to the woman chanting.

"What do you want from me?" Caroline asked.

"We want to get ready of a tyrant named Marcel and we are going to use you to get his sire to kill him." The light brown haired woman said. The dark brown haired woman stopped chanting and look at the other woman and nodded.

"Great so we can use both of them to make sure he does what is told." She said.

"Who are you and what do you mean by that?"

"I'm Sophie and this is Sammy" the light brown hair said.

"And we confirmed you are pregnant. Sammy said. Caroline stared at them like they were crazy.

"I'm a vampire I can't have children." Caroline said.

"Well it seems you are a rare type of vampire." Sophie said. Sammy then waved a hand and the sound of a tiny heart beat filled the room and the a picture of a sonogram appeared in Sammy's hand. She handed it to Caroline who stared at it in shocked and disbelief.

"I'm pregnant" she said.

"About a six weeks along" Sammy said.

"You are going to help us get Klaus to cooperate or we will kill you and your kid." Sophie said. Caroline hissed and showed fangs.

"Do not threaten me witch!" She said.

"Do what I say and I won't have to now get up." Sophie said. Caroline sat up and glared at Sophie before get off the bed. She would have attacked them but she didn't want them to attack her or her baby. She couldn't believe she was having a baby, Klaus's baby. She smiled at the thought before putting a hand over her flat belly. She kept it there as the lead her out if the room and out of the house she was in. They all got in a car and drove to a cemetery. They got out of the car and went inside a giant mausoleum where they waited until two figures walked in.

"Klaus" Caroline said. She was about to go up to him but Sammy grabbed her arm. Caroline hissed a warning at her and she let go but gave her a look to stay still or else.

"Caroline" Klaus said.

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