Wonderful Present

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After the got back to the house Klaus immediately headed upstairs and into a room leaving Caroline to deal with the group of people asking where they have been and why is her stomach look like she is six months pregnant. Caroline told them that she was having a witch hybrid baby and that little Melanie would be born within a few weeks.

"Where did Klaus go?" Bonnie asked.

"Upstairs, he muttered something about not being prepared then took off." Caroline said.

"Well let's celebrate with a baby shower." Rebekah said.

"Actually I have everything I need so I will just go and get something to eat but thank you for the thought." Caroline said before heading into the kitchen. She walked over to the fridge and pulled out a blood bag before sitting down at the counter. She sighed as she began to drink the blood. "Melanie I hope once this mess with ends with Marcel that you, me and your father could go travel the world. Your father promised me once that he would so me it and I am going to cash in on it." She said rubbing her belly.  The girls came in and smiled at the sight.

"This baby is changing you Caroline." Elena said making Caroline smile.

"I'd like to think she's change all of us." Caroline said.

"Oh she  is, I have already began to talk babyish when every I see a baby." Rebekah said horrified making everyone laugh.

"So Elijah has asked me out on a date tonight so I should go get ready." Elena said before saying her goodbye and leaving.

"Kol and I are going to the movies so we will be back later." Bonnie said saying her goodbye and following Ellena out.

"What about you got a hot date?" Caroline asked Rebekah.

"Stefan and I have decided that we are going to go out and have fun." She said.

"Have fun" Caroline said as Rebekah left. Caroline sighed before standing up. She threw away the empty blood bag before heading for the stairs. She made it half way up when Klaus appeared at the top of the stairs. "Looks like we are going to be alone for awhile, everyone has dates."

"I want to show you something." He said walking down the stairs towards her. He scooped her up into his arms and carried her up the stairs and to the door he had went through when they got here. He set her down by the door then covered her eyes making Caroline giggle.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"I will show you in a second." He said. Caroline heard him open a door the she was lead into a room. He dropped his hand and Caroline gasped at what she saw. It was a baby room for Melanie.

"Klaus, it's perfect." She walked over to the tan crib and saw that on the side of it was the label Melanie. She covered her sobs with her hand and looked around the room.

"I had been making this room while you slept. I wanted it to be a present for you." He said. She turned to him with tears running down her face.

"It's a wonderful present." She said.

"I'm glad you like it." He said.

"We should-" Caroline said but was interrupted by a pain in her head. Both Caroline and Klaus hit the floor as a powerful aneurysm hit them. A witch and Marcel walked into the room he then went over to Klaus and snapped his neck before he went to Caroline and injected her with vervain. The witch stopped her aneurysm the glared at Marcel.

"You never said there was a child involved." She said.

"Didn't know myself but does it really matter the child is a monster." he said.

"The child is a witch hybrid. You have crossed the line and for that I will have no part in this, my debt if full and paid." She said before leaving. Marcel sighed and picked up Caroline. He had plans for this one and it didn't involve a baby.

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