Elejah and Kennett

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Klaus shut the door to his bedroom and headed downstairs. The family had went into the living room so he head there. Elijah was sitting on an armchair by the window reading a book while Kol and Rebekah were talking on the couch. Klaus sighed before sitting on the couch across for them.

"What's wrong Nik?" Rebekah asked.

"I remember how I never knew my real father and how Mikael treated me and I promise that I will be there for the little one no matter what." Klaus said.

"You better be or else you will have three very angry Mikaelsons and a Forbes on your arse." Rebekah said. Their heads turned towards the front door when it opened and in walked Elena, Bonnie, Stefan and Damon.

"Where is she?" Stefan said.

"Sleeping, so don't wake her up." Klaus said giving them a warning look. "Plus we need to talk" Everyone found a spot to sit before Klaus began to talk. "Caroline can not be involved with your love triangle anymore."

"What?" Elena said.

"You heard me, it is stressing her out which is bad for the baby. So take your little love triangle and go back to Mystic Falls." Klaus said.

"I'm not leaving Caroline here with you guys." Elena said.

"Nor am I" Stefan said.

"Then you need to decided right now who you want to be with or all three of you will go."

"Hey what about Bonnie" Damon said.

"Bonnie isn't in a love triangle and is a witch so she's useful." Klaus said.

"Thanks I guess" Bonnie said.

"Don't worry little witch I wouldn't let the big bad wolf kick you out." Kol said earning a glare from Klaus.

"Choose Elena" Klaus said. Elena looked over at Elijah who was watching her curious.

"I'm sorry but I choose Elijah." Elena said making Elijah eye's widen. Klaus saw that Damon was about ready to explode so he speed over to him and snapped his neck. Stefan just stared at the floor for a second before looking up at Elena.

"If that is your choice then I will respect it." He said before turning to Klaus. "Caroline is my best friend and I will stay for her."

"Okay" Klaus said. Damon woke up gasping before glaring at Klaus. "I did what had to be done or would you have liked an angry pregnant vampire to stake you through the heart." Damon just stood up and turned to Elena.

"I thought you loved me." He said.

"I did but I've always loved Elijah and I decided to stop fighting it now that I'm here." She said then looked at Elijah and smiled. Elijah smiled back.

"Whatever I'm out of here" he said the speed off.

Upstairs Caroline had heard it all and was smiling like a goon. She had woke up when she heard Stefan's voice. She was going to tell them all to go home but when Klaus said they need to talk she had stopped herself. She listen to everyone word they said and was happy that Elena had admited her feelings for Elijah. She knew she had them cause Elena told her she had kissed him. After everything had quieted down she headed downstairs to greet her friends. Klaus notice her first and smiled at her.

"How was your nap luv?" He asked.

"Good, I need it" she said before turning to her friends. "I'm glad you finally admitted it Elena and yes I heard everything and yes I did get enough sleep." Caroline said siting down next to Klaus.

"Didn't your mother every teach you it isn't polite to eavesdrop." Elena said glaring at her. "And don't worry about Liz I told her you went on vacation."

"Thanks Lena" Caroline said.

"Kol, if your hand goes any higher you are a dead man." Bonnie said taking Kol's hand off her thigh.

"Darling I'm already dead" Kol said.

"Kol I wouldn't push it she's had a rough day." Elena said.

"Poor thing, tell Kol all about it." Kol said puting his arm around Bonnie. The next thing Kol knows he's on the ground clutching his head from the aneurysm. Bonnie stopped the aneurysm and walked out of the room.

"What's wrong with her?" Klaus asked.

"Jeremy cheated on her again." Caroline said.

"Stupid idiot doesn't know that a beauty like that needs to be kept safe and treated like the queen she is." Kol said getting off the floor. That's when it hit Caroline

"You like her don't you?"

"Maybe a little" Kol said.

"Or maybe a lot" Caroline said.

"Shut up" he said then left the room as the others laughed. Kol left the room in search of Bonnie. He wanted to apologize for his behavior. He was only joking and if he'd known that the little twit had cheated on her he would have showered her in flowers and jewels then taken her dancing. He found her in the garden, his favorite place in the house. Her back was turned to him as he approached.

"Bonnie, I'm sorry for what I did and said. If I had known about Jeremy I would haven't done that." He said. Bonnie turned around and wiped tears away from her face. "Oh darling I'm sorry." He gathered her in his arms and let her cry. He promised himself if he every saw Jeremy Gilbert again he would make him feel pain.

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