Baby Names

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The group came rushing up to them to make sure Caroline was okay. Rebekah growled at Sammy and took a step towards her.

"Rebekah, leave her she saved my baby's life." Caroline said.

"You are lucky that my niece/nephew is going to be okay otherwise you would be dead." Rebekah said.

"I'm not the enemy here I just want revenge for my sister. Marcel killed her because she broke the rules. I won't be like Sophie and threaten your innocent unborn child. I just want you to kill Marcel and bring me his head." Sammy said.

"We have a plan that is being played out as we speak." Klaus said as his phone rang. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and saw the ID. It was Elijah who had been missing from the group.

"Niklaus it is done, we got rid of them all with minimal casualties." Elijah said.

"Good, did you get Marcel?" Klaus said.

"He ran like a coward but we will get him." Elijah said.

"Good, keep me updated" Klaus said before hanging out.

"Klaus..." Caroline said. Klaus turned around to see Caroline's belly growing.

"Holy crap" Elena said.

"We need to start baby shopping." Caroline said.

"Let's go" Klaus said. They left the house and went to a baby shop and shopped for about two and a half hours before they headed home with most of their stuff the bigger stuff were being delivered. They entered the house to see Elijah and Elena kissing.

"Get a room you two" Caroline said. They broke apart and smiled.

"Sorry Care" Elena said taking Elijah's hand and going upstairs. "Speaking of getting a room" Caroline leaned over and kissed Klaus before grabbing Klaus's hand. They raced upstairs and were locked in their room for awhile. A few hours later they lay in bed with Caroline's head on his chest.

"We should start thinking of names." Caroline said.

"Okay" Klaus said.

"I was thinking for a boy name Mason." She said.

"Mason Mikaelson?" Klaus said.

"Mason Forbes Mikaelson" Caroline stated.

"Okay, what about girl names?" Klaus said.

"I have always liked the name Melanie." She said.

"I agree with your choice." He saix yawning.

"Really, doesn't sound like it." Caroline teased.

"Luv, we just finished a marathon of hot hybrid sex so it would be understandable if I was tired." He said before falling asleep. Caroline chuckled and followed him in slumber.

What do you think the sex is? Boy or Girl? Maybe twins? Who knows?

The Love Of A Mikaelson BabyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz