Touch Me And I'll Ripe Your Heart Out

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"Witches tell bed time stories about the powerful vampire Klaus. We know Marcel was nothing more than an orphan street brat till you made him what he is and now he's out of control. He does what he wants, kills who he wants. I'm going to stop him and you're going to help me."

"If you wanted my help kiddnaping Caroline was the wrong move." Klaus growled.

"Niklaus, the girl is carrying your child." Elijah said. Klaus looked at me then back at Sophie.

"That's impossible" he said.

"Magic made you a vampire but you were born a werewolf plus you're girlfriend here is a vampire carrier." Sammy said. Caroline again stepped forward and again Sammy tried to stop her.

"Touch me and I will ripe your heart out." She said before going over to stand by Klaus. She handed him the sonogram. He looked down at it before looking up at her. "Listen to the heartbeat." Klaus looked down at her stomach and listened. His face transformed into pure shock. He reached out and touched her stomach.

"It was a shock for me too" Caroline whispered. Klaus looked up at her and smiled.

"Now that we have your attention Caroline and your baby's life are in my hands so if you don't help me Caroline won't live to see her first maternity dress." Sophie said making Caroline whirl around. Her eyes turned red and her fangs came out.

"You evil bitch, how dare you threaten my child's life!" She said. Klaus took her hand.

"Calm yourself luv we will help her take down Marcel and then she will undo what ever spell she has placed on our child, after that I will kill her myself." Klaus said. Caroline relaxed and her face went back to normal.

"We will help you but no more threats on my family including Caroline." Elijah said.

"Fine" Sophie said. Sammy walked towards Caroline but Klaus quickly stood in front of her.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"We are taking her back with us." Sammy said.

"Touch her and I will ripe your heart out and shove it down your throat." Klaus growled.

"Leave her, we control their lives so it doesn't matter if she goes with them." Sophie said. The two brothers and Caroline speed out of there and went to Mikaelson's abattoir. The walked into the door and instantly were surrounded by Kol and Rebekah.

"Why is she here?" Rebekah asked.

"She is carrying my child." Klaus said.

"That's-" Rebekah was about to say but was stopped by Caroline.

"If I hear it's impossible one more time it will be the end of you. I am freaking hungry and tired and my hormones are off the chart. I'm surprised I'm not riping people's heads off." She said.

"I will get you something to drink." Elijah said before heading off down the main hall.

"Caroline, may I ask where your little witch friend is?" Kol asked grinning.

"Oh no, Bonnie and Elena must be worried sick. I kinda blew them off today." Caroline said just as Klaus's phone went off. Klaus took out his phone from his pocket and put it on speaker.

"Klaus, we need your help Caroline has gone missing." The voice of Stefan said.

"Caroline is fine, she was kidnapped by some witches but Elijah and I got her back." Klaus said.

"Great, just send her home and I will protect her." Stefan said.

"No can do I'm afraid." Klaus said.

"Why the hell not?" Stefan asked his voice rising. Klaus looked at Caroline who sighed and nodded.

"Because she is carrying my child and the witches did something so if I don't do what they want they will kill Caroline and the baby." Klaus said.

"I'm on my way." Stefan said.

"Stefan, don't come we are fine." She said but Stefan had already hung up. "Great, now he's going to come and you know Elena and Bonnie are going to come. We all know if Elena is going then Damon is coming and I can not take their stupid drama." Caroline said.

"Don't worry about them luv, you just worry about our little one. Let me take care of the drama." Klaus sighed.

"Fine but promise me no one gets hurt." Caroline said.

"I promise" he said as Elijah came back with a glass of blood.

"Thanks Elijah" Caroline said before taking the glass.

"You're welcome" he said. Caroline drank the blood then Klaus lead her upstairs and to his bedroom where she took a nap.

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