Chapter 13 - You need to be single

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Chapter 13

Louis’ POV

Once all five of us are seated along the long wooden table, Cathy begins to talk.

“Morning boys, today there are a few issues we need to cover and a few things that need to be run through regarding appearances and tour rehearsals.” Everyone groans at the thought of being back on tour. I mean, it is the most fun experience you could ever ask for, but the rehearsals and the amount of work put into it is so tedious. Until we play our first show of the tour and see all the fans, we will continue to despise it.

“First off, I want to talk about twitter use.” She says sternly, eyeing Zayn and I. Zayn looks as if he doesn’t give a toss so I act like I don’t either.

“I want to remind you all that cursing is not okay and you have extremely young fans. It is not a good look to be teaching youngsters to curse, especially on social media.”

Zayn rolls his eyes and folds his arms over his chest.

Cathy continues, “And I don’t want to be seeing twitter wars between anybody from this band. All it does is stir news headlines and people are already saying that you guys are splitting up. This is not good for our sales.” She has the nerve to relate this to money, just like she does to everything. These self-absorbed managers are insane.

“Understood?” She asks, looking at me and Zayn in particular. How does she even know that our tweets were about each other? She must be like illuminati or something cause she’s driving us all nuts.

We all nod in unison; however, Zayn is reluctant to.

“Moving on to more important things,” she emphasises the word ‘important’ in attempt to make us feel like we’re wasting her time. “I want to inform you of your upcoming appearances. You have one on February 25, so that’s two weeks’ time, and one on February 28. These will be radio interviews where you will launch the tour advertising.” She says and we all lock the dates in our calendars.

“What time?” Harry asks while sighing, looking up from his phone.

“I will email you all the details in the next week.” She replies and he nods.

“Before I dismiss you, I have one more subject to mention. In spirit and anticipation for the tour, I will need all of you to be single, or at least claim to be single. This is really important for publicity and I will be setting dates up with a series of high profile ladies for you. The dates will start as of next week.”

Everyone in the room gapes at her, wondering if what she just said is real. Niall looks the most horrified and I feel sorry for him.

“Absolutely not. I have a girlfriend of three months. I’m not doing it.” He confidently says to Cathy, raising his voice slightly. Cathy raises her drawn eyebrows to throw a comeback at him, but she seems to have remembered something.

“Oh, right. I forgot about you and that Isabella girl. But like that makes a difference anyway,” She says and Niall’s hand fists into a ball and his knuckles grow white.

“It’s Isiella,” He says and Cathy waves her hand at him to show that she really couldn’t care less.

I am still in shock right now and unaware of what to do. We all know better than to protest against management’s orders, hence why Zayn or Harry aren’t speaking up. I guess I can still be with Genevieve; I just have to be careful about what I do or say in front of others. I know Zayn will dob me in the first chance he can get. I am surprised to see that Zayn doesn’t look too bothered by the news, he almost looks relieved or something. Either way, it makes me feel uncomfortable.

“Anyway, I also want to point out, Harry, that living with that friend of yours will not be accepted from this moment forward. You will be living somewhere else which I will mention in a minute. If we want people to believe that there is no relationship going on, you cannot keep living with a girl while you are staying here.”

“But she’s my friend and I never get to see her!” Harry whines looking like he is about to cry. Everyone knows he has a secret crush on Sandra. He just doesn’t want to admit it.

“Does it look like I care?” Cathy says after rolling her eyes.

“Well obviously not! If you aren’t going to wake up and look at who you are really dealing with, you are going to be fired and I don’t care what you do with your life, but I will do everything in my power to make sure it isn’t anything good!” Harry says yelling at the top of his lungs.

“Well I’m sorry, but being famous has their responsibilities and commitments,” Cathy says calmly.

“Well I wasn’t the one who asked to be famous! It’s not my fault we have so many fans and it certainly isn’t my fault I want to be happy! Look, it sounds bad, but I will quit this job just to have my happiness returned! I am sick and tired of people like you trying to control my life, and maybe for a second, you forgot who you are dealing with. We are the biggest boy band or maybe even band on the planet! SO don’t go all “Miss Bossy Pants” on us because it will not be accepted!” Harry yells. I love how he is standing up for us.

“Harr…” Cathy tries to speak.

“No shut up! You have no right to say to either of us that we are not allowed to be in a relationship. Do you know what it does to us? NO you don’t. You know why? No you don’t! Because you couldn’t care less about us. You only care about you and your money. Just by those words that came out of your mouth, you are interfering in Niall’s relationship, Isiella’s relationship, their happiness and you are saying to the rest of us that we can’t do anything to have someone other than family in our lives to love and care for!” Harry yells at the top of his lungs and I can tell he is about to cry. He stands up and goes over to Cathy’s desk and I feel like we are re-filming the “Best Song Ever” music video. I start laughing to myself because of my own joke. Yeah, not a good time to laugh.

“Harry, what are you doing?” Cathy says with fear in her voice.

“Take back everything you said about being single and I won’t hurt you,” Harry threatens. He is standing extremely close to Cathy and she appears to be trembling.

“Harry, you know I can’t …”

“SAY IT!” Harry yells.


Sorry this chapter is so short but we did do a double update today! Hopefully you are enjoying this so far

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