Chapter 47 - Lies, Lies, Truth

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* I am making this series into a sequel so there will book a book 2! *

Chapter 47

Zayn's POV

Today I have to meet up with Gen to do some publicity stunts. For me they won't be stunts, but for her they will. I know what happened between her and Louis yesterday because i was the first one that Louis told. Now that we aren't "fighting" for the same girl, you could say our relationship has improved.

Gen is probably now out with that Thomas guy who she claims (on the internet) to be her cousin but secretly she actually loves him to death and like Louis said, who wouldn't want to get rid of the hate and date someone ordinary and good looking, may i add. i could never compare to him

Well ... maybe, but that's besides the point

I dress up in some regular jeans and a plain black t-shirt and i put on my vans

I have to pick Gen up at her house and do whatever stuff like that. Majority of the fans are extremely happy that Gen and I are "back together", but then again, there are always going to be those few haters.

I drive over to Gen's house and knock on the door and within seconds, Sandra opens it

"HI ZAYN!" she squeals and embraces me into a hug

"Hi Sandra"

"Come in!" she says and opens the door wider

I walk in and sit myself down on the couch and Sandra joins me shortly

"Gen is just getting ready" she says and makes herself comfortable on the couch opposite to me

"How have you been?" i ask her

"Good! Good! Yeah well, i just got a job in the fashion industry where i can help design clothing!" she says

"Yeah I heard! Harry keeps bragging about it" i tell her

"Oh" she laughs

"You must hear it a lot then!" she smiles wide

I nod in reply

"Can we go now?" Gen says as she stands next to the couch

She is wearing a lovely blue one shoulder dress that stops in the middle of the thigh. It frames her body extremely well! She has her hair in a side braid that covers her right shoulder seeming as the dress strap is on her left and she is wearing some gold sandals and a gold bracelet and earrings.

"Zayn?" she says

"Yep" i say and get up from my seat

As i walk over to her, i make eye contact with Sandra and she can't stop smiling and i know what she means by it. She is just so happy that i was checking out her best friend because everyone knows she likes us as a couple.

We both walk outside to the car without saying a word to each other. I open the car door for her and she mutters a soft "thank you" before stepping in.

The drive to the garden is quiet and awkward. Yes, i am taking her to a garden. It is the botanical garden down here in Florida. Management said there would be quite a bit of press down there today, so that is why we are going there

"Can we talk about something because this silence is really bothering me" she breaks the silence

"Sure" I reply

"So how have you been?" She asks me

"Ok i guess" i reply

There is another bit of awkward silence

"So where are we going?" she asks

"A garden" i reply

"ok" she replies softly

"Do you .... like that Thomas dude?" i ask her

"What?" she asks in shock

"Answer me honestly Gen"

"No" she says

"Do you still have feelings for Louis?" i ask her

I know she doesn't from what Louis had told me yesterday, but just to see if she is lying or not...

Gen's POV

I know Zayn still has feelings for Perrie so i should probably try to get over him

"I don't know" i reply him

he nods slowly

"But i mean, I'm getting over him... slowly" lies lies lies

I hate lying to Zayn but I don't want to make myself look like I'm so obsessed with him

"So you are not over him?" he asks


there is a small silence

"I know you are lying to me" he blurts out of no where

"What?" i look over at him event though he is still looking straight at the road ahead

"Whenever you lie, your fingers start twitching" he comments

Wow. He really notices the little things, doesn't he? I didn't even know my fingers did that

But shoot, he caught me lying

"Why would you think i am lying to you?" i ask him

"I know you Gen, you can't lie to me"

"I'm pretty sure I know you just as well" i comment back

"Ok then, go ahead. test it out" he smirks

"Do you like Perrie?" i ask him

"No" he answers straight away

"I can tell you are lying" i say to him. I really can't, but for arguments sake

"I'm not" he says, now getting furious. i can see it

"Yeah you are" i argue

"I DON'T LIKE HER!" he yells

"YEAH YA DO!" i yell back at him



Twitter: @LiveLaughLoveWP

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