Chapter 17 - Please be my girlfriend

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Chapter 17

Louis' POV

"Louis, I'm so sorry. I just thought that you having a girlfriend wouldn't be right and besides, she was causing a lot of trouble because of her two timing!"

I can't believe him. To think I thought he was innocent, when he was actually the cause of the problem.

"Louis I really am sorry," I shake his apology off.

"So, you are saying to me, that you stopped me from being happy so that the band could still be together?!" I yell at him. "The band wasn't even in trouble!"

"Well...yeah. Not just that but also we have to think about other people like Zayn!"

"ZAYN SAID HE WAS OVER HER!" I am furious even at the mention of Zayn.

"He isn't over her Louis! He loves her! He just said that because he knew she didn't love him back! HE SPENT HOURS CRYING IN FRONT OF ME BECAUSE OF WHAT HAPPENED! He left the room after you fell asleep and cried to me from 12 till 4! Do you not know how much pain she is causing the both of you! I hate to see my two best friends be hurt because of one girl, that is why I went and talked to her last night ... well this morning!" He says. I believe what he is saying but I would hate to think that Gen is the cause of this problem, because Zayn and I would never get along whenever it comes to girls.


Zayn's POV

I can hear some yelling downstairs, so instead of getting something to eat, I decide to check on Gen and see if she is doing alright. I know I shouldn't, but I can't resist the possibility of comforting her while Louis is not.

I quietly open the door and peak my head in. I am revealed to her crying on her bed.

"Gen, what's wrong?" I say, closing the door to seal the sound of her light sobs.

"It's nothing," She replies still sobbing.

"If it's nothing then why are you crying?" I walk over to her and sit opposite to her. I try to keep my distance, I don't want to take advantage of her vulnerable state.

"Liam said that I am ruining everything..."

"What?" I am so confused right now. Liam would never do such a thing. Especially not to Gen, she is so nice to him and everyone else.

Gen sniffles and I hand her a tissue from the box sitting on her bedside table. She gratefully takes it and attempts to clean up her tear-stained face.

"He just told me that I'm ruining the relationship between you and Louis and that it's best if I back off," she says in between sobs and sniffles. I feel sick to my stomach all of a sudden. The fact that Liam went behind my back and verbally assaulted Gen in some random way makes me want to vomit.

Be Mine // Zayn MalikHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin