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Ever’s pov.

My mum thought I was ready to be Alpha, I wasn't so sure myself.

I wanted to, I have wanted to be Alpha for three weeks now, but my mum had only just got the position. I couldn't just take it away from her.

“Mum, you're the Alpha; I can't just take that from you.”

“Ever, I was never the Alpha, I was only standing in. You are the Alpha.” My mum smiled at me, I wanted this but I would never take it from her.

“No, I refuse to take this from you, I can see how happy it makes you mum.”

She knew I was right, everyone knew I was right. Being Alpha made my mum happy, who was I to take that from her?

I was about to have a baby, I don't really need to be Alpha, sure I want to but I don't need to.

“Ever, I do not want to be Alpha anymore, please just take the position.” My mum didn't sound upset that she was no longer Alpha, so I just nodded my head.

No words would be able to describe how happy I was right now. I was finally Alpha, and to make thing better my pack knew. They all knew I was pregnant, and none of them had rejected me.

“But what are you going to do now mum?” Em asked her, I had completely forgotten that Em and Jamie were sitting with us.

“I'm going to travel for a while, go to the places I always wanted to go to.” I didn't want my mum to leave, but I knew she needed some space.

She needed to forget my dad, I needed to too.

He has been gone for five months, but it still feels as if he is around us.

I can understand my mum wanting to get away, I wanted to, but I couldn't.

“You can go mum, as long as you stay in touch, phone us every day.” It was an order from her Alpha; it was an order from her daughter.

“Of course.” She smiled at me and hugged Em.

I looked over at Jamie and he was smiling at me,

'Finally, we are a team Ever!'

Werewolves can communicate in the minds. It only works if you are in the same pack or if you are mates.

'I know, I can't wait Jamie!'

I could feel the enormous smile on my face; I had been waiting ages to have a reason to be something with Jamie.

He has always been my friend, but for ages I wanted him to be so much more. I still do, I think I have a crush on Jamie.


'Yes Ever?'

'Have you um... Have you found your mate yet?'

Jamie's face fell; I knew he desperately wanted a mate. He wanted someone to love.


He had? Why didn't he tell me? Why wasn't he happy? Why wasn't he with her right now?

'Why aren't you happy Jamie, you have always wanted a mate.'

I tried to not let the sadness obvious in my voice/thoughts but I knew I failed.

'She rejected me. She was human and the whole werewolf thing scared her. She told me to never bother her again, she ran away.'

The worst thing to happen to a werewolf is to get rejected; it is like your heart is being ripped out, or so I've heard.

'Jamie, I'm so sorry, but you know it's her loss. Anyone would be lucky to have you as a mate.'

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