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Carter’s pov.

Ever has been out of it for two weeks now and I am really worried.

That night, it was horrible. I could almost feel the life being sucked out of her. It was unbearable.

I tried to help her, I tried to get her to breath but I guess her routine didn’t work this time. Well I don't guess it, I know it. If it had worked she wouldn’t be here right now.

Melanie told me that they had to put her in a coma, although it wasn’t really a coma, she’s just resting.

Apparently having triplets in her, was really wearing here down, and these panic attacks weren't helping.

Melanie wanted to do some research on them; she said she would need some blood to do it. I told her to wait until Ever wakes up, so she can make the decision.

“Is she awake yet, Car?” Eli asked me, he had been sat beside her bed for the whole two weeks, just as I had.

The only time he left was if I left, so I had to leave at night, so he could get some rest.

“Not yet Eli, but she will be soon. Soon she will wake up.” I was saying the end part more to myself, but he was a werewolf so of course he heard.

The rogues have gotten closer. They are animals, pure vicious animals.

Part of me is glad that Ever isn’t up and moving, this way she will be safe. There is no way they will be able to get in here and hurt her.

Em told me his story, about his mate. The rogues that are coming now are the ones who killed his mate. I know he isn’t going to be able to control himself when he sees them.

I locked my fingers with hers, like I have ever other day.

Eli crawled up on the bed and placed his head in her lap,

“Please wake up Ever, I don't want you to be asleep anymore.” He whispered and kissed her belly.

I could feel the tears in my eyes, I may not have been here for very long, and I may not be a complete member of this pack yet but I loved them. Every last one of them, they were just like my old pack.

If only I could have been there to help, they might still be alive today...

“EVER!” Eli screamed and jumped up off the bed, he sat on Ever’s lap.

I looked up, to see my mate staring at me.

“Hey sleeping beauty, how are you?” I asked.

“Sleeping beauty?” You could hear the questioning in her voice, she obviously doesn't remember.

“Yeah, you’ve been asleep for three days, right after you found out about...”

“Him?” She questioned, I guess she did remember some things.

I just nodded my head, not really sure how she would react to what I need to tell her.

“Ever, are my babies okay?” Eli asked, his babies?

“Your babies?” I asked, he looked up at me and smiled.

“Yes, I decided I didn’t want to be an uncle, I want them to be my babies. Please Ever?” I couldn't help but laugh, everyone wanted to be the father to Ever’s babies.




Who next?

“I'm sorry Eli, I already promised Carter, but one day you will have your own babies.” She smiled at Eli, and kissed his forehead.

I was just watching her; she really did have a way with kids. She is going to be an amazing mum.

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