What You Should Be Doing Right After Your Shower

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1. Moisturizing
Hot water and steam leaves your skin super dry after showering. Do yourself a favor and keep your skin hydrated by moisturizing right after your shower.

2. PAT your skin dry, DON'T rub it
It is very important to not rub your skin dry because that results in dry, sensitive, irritated skin. Take a gentle approach by just patting

3. Throw on your serums
After a hot shower, the pores on your face are open, allowing skincare products to be better absorbed. Just make sure to put on some cold water to close your pores before putting on makeup! (You don't want open pores when applying makeup, because then your skin will absorb the makeup, resulting in acne. So make sure to close those pores!

4. Apply Leave-in Conditioner or Detangler
Take a few minutes and spritz some of that detangler or leave-in conditioner over your washed hair. Comb it through the hair with a wide tooth comb. It is very important not to use a brush, as those lead to breakage.

Hey guys! Honestly right now, I have no clue how I'm awake right now. I should be asleep. But I realized that if I'm awake, why not update my story? So here I am with a "shower update"! (Sneak peek: I am planning on making a chapter on what do IN your shower. Would you guys like that?) Anyways, I would love it if you could comment and vote! Bye lovelies!!!!😘😘😘

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