Part 8

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Wo jo adhuri si yaad baki hai...

Love is never easy. If it is then surely it isn't true love.

As Arnav saw the way her eyes widened with fear seeing him leaning towards her lips, he found himself back on the night days ago in the car when he threatened to make her his forcibly if she refused to work with him.

Now again, place was different though. His intentions weren't.

"You can't do that." Even though she tried to sound confident still her voice came out feeble.

"Oh sure I can and I will." The determination in his eyes shook her.

"What did you call me huh? A spineless jerk, a heartless man and a bloody selfish being on the face of this earth.No scratch that, on the face of this whole world, right? Fine.I will become one for you if that's how you see me then so be it." He gritted on her face putting pressure on her arms he was holding at her back causing her to wince.

His hand on her nape moved to the slope of her neck and her breaths caught up in some region of her throat when she felt him throwing her hairs at her back exposing her ear.

"You are going to be mine whether you want it or not." He whispered in her ear, his nose touching her neck making her tremble.

"In that way, you are only going to get my body not my soul. You can never reach there.Because you don't deserve it." She spoke getting her bearings making him stumped for a minute as he stared at her face and for that moment Khushi saw an emotion on his face she has never seen before.


She shook her head.She was seeing things probably.

Why would a man like ASR be helpless?

It was gone in a few moments before she could think further.

And he was back.

The ruthless ASR!

"You owe me 1 crore and one million. You are indebted to me not the other way around so you should stay in your limits because if I can get back your sweet shop I surely can snatch it away by getting some other builder interested in it in minutes."


"You heard me. So keep your mouth shut before me before I do something I might NOT regret."

With that he released her and stormed off leaving behind a dumbstruck Khushi behind.

He has touched her sensitive nerve.

He has pointed out the power he has on her.

She was indebted to him.

He did it all cunningly.

"Even if you worked your ass off for days and nights you would never be able to return it to me.Ever!"

She sniffled.

He was right.

She was feeling too weighed down.

She was feeling too little ... too small

And she don't know how to repay him back the huge sum of money to get the burden off her shoudlers and...heart.

When she feels like he can't break her anymore.

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