Part 15A

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Devyani turned off the television with the remote embarrassed while Anjali looked here and there. Madhumati and Garima condition wasn't any better after watching how the press release ended with Arnav kissing Khushi in front of press. Not to mention, before umpteenth number of people who must be watching it live.

It was only Shashi Gupta who didn't show any reaction. He stood up abruptly turning to his wife and sister.

"Now that the matter is sorted I don't think it's appropriate for us to stay at our daughters' in-laws home for more."

Garima and Madhumati nodded. Anjali and Devyani looked at each other worried.

"Shashi ji, let them come home then you can go if you want." Devyani spoke cautiously.

Shashi turned to Devyani with respect in his eyes.

"I think we have troubled you enough. We can't stay here anymore. Also, a lot of work is pending at home too regarding the upcoming weddings which is just in four days. Please understand."

Devyani nodded in understanding and stood up as they all prepared to leave.

As soon as Guptas left, Anjali sent a message to Arnav and received one back saying,

It's okay, Di. Let them go. I have my men all over that area. No one would bother them anymore.

Garima as well as Madhumati were confused at Shashi's lack of response upon such a hype in the press conference and also many revelations. Even after Arnav himself declared that it was him after Khushi for two years, would he still believe Khushi was at fault? They didn't know.

Soon they were back in their neighborhood. While a few neighbors were out on the streets were giving them looks which they could decode somewhat. Some were envious that they were about to marry their daughters to such a big, wealthy family while some were looking with extreme contempt as if they stole their opportunities. Some were just giving curious glances trying to decipher the truth as if they would have it written on their faces while remaining were gossiping in other ears which they knew would soon reach them.

Madhumati glared at them causing some of them to hold their stares and look away. Didn't they already watch the press conference where Arnav revealed everything about his and Khushi's relationship? Then why were they still on it as if there was something between the lines?

Garima and Madhumati breathed almost running in their home with Shashi following behind and closed the door.

It was almost the same like that day when that news was released of Khushi falling in a rich tycoon's arms. 'Almost' because back then they all only blamed Khushi but now, everything was out in open not only of that time but also of today's situation. No one would or could blame Khushi because she wasn't at fault. That's clear. But the above were the thoughts of Garima and Madhumati's. Not Shashi Gupta's.

"Bless that man Arnav Singh Raizada who took all the blame on himself to save not only Khushi's but also our reputation!" Shashi broke his silence causing the ladies to look at him with shock.

"Didn't you hear what Arnav babua said, Shashi? It was him who was after our titaliya not the other way around." Madhumati exclaimed.

"He did that to cover up for her. Didn't you see? He has been doing that from the time he met her clearly. What a great luck your titaliya has got Jiji that even after so much trouble that she put him through he is still ready to accept her and give her the respect of being his wife. He went out of the way in that press conference too to make people believe that your so-called titaliya is right while he was at the wrong which I know isn't the case. Khushi is sure lucky to have him in her life despite of all that she did!"

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