Part 9

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Kismat ko hai ye manzoor kya kijay...

"What are you saying? How is it possible? We paid the rent on time then how can you do this?" Madhumati shouted to the men who were throwing their luggage out.

Garima and Payal were in shock while Khushi , she stood rooted to the spot holding her father's wheel chair. Shashi looked helplessly in his disabled state that the men of the new owner of their Laxmi Nagar home threw their luggage out mercilessly before locking the front door and then they were gone while the neighbors gave them pity look , just those looks. No one stepped forward to help them not even to carry their scattered bags and furniture.

Khushi was jolted back from shock with the ping of her cell phone indicating an upcoming message.

Reading the name of the sender she opened it with shivering hands.

This is what you get when you try to mess with Arnav Singh Raizada's family. Stay away from MY Di. I would and can do anything if someone even think of ruining her happiness and YOU, Khushi Kumari Gupta , gambled with just that. Now stay out there at the streets with YOUR family. Stay in this guilt that YOU are responsible for their miserable condition and live with that you will your whole life - ASR

She fell on her knees besides Shashi's wheel chair who raised his trembling hand to place on her head not knowing that someone just crushed everything inside his daughter and she didn't even make a sound at the shattering happening inside her by the result of it.

Khushi ran inside her home and went straight to her bedroom. Locking the door she leaned against it and let the tears fall.

"Because you see.Now that you are too much indebted to me and there are no chances for you to ever pay me back any of my money. I am thinking of getting it back little by little for the rest of our life."

"You want to buy me in exchange of your money?"

"What do you think of me?"

"Do I look like I am up for sale?"

He didn't answer. He didn't say anything to soothe her hurt.

He did what he do always.

He walked away

He left

Just like he did on the Diwali

As if ..

As if it was true what she said.

As if she was a toy he wanted to buy at any cost.

As if she was nothing but an object of his liking he so desperately wanted to possess.

This man was so confusing.

He always was.

He will always be.

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