Chapter 4: Welcome to the black ops

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Naruto's P.o.v

I stepped back briefly dodging the 2 kunai being thrown at me, specifically my head, I lept onto a nearby tree and hid my chakra.

'Why are you running away, stand up and fight!' Kurama yelled at me, even if I couldn't physically see him, I knew he was annoyed beyond reasons of negotiation.

'Kurama if I go ahead and attack him now, I could get killed. I have to wait for the perfect opening.' I argued back; he shut up after that thankfully.

I looked at the area below me, everything seemed fi- wait... I stared hard at an area below where the other anbus chakra was being emitted. I leaped over to a closer tree where the harder I stared, the more easily I saw an outline of what seemed to be a paper bomb, and not just one, there were over twenty lined up around a hologram of the anbu. This was a bait tactic that I had mastered where the ninja would disappear and would hide their chakra, after doing so they would create either a shadow clone or a hologram (in this case to preserve chakra) so they can lure the opponent to the clone only to run into multiple paper bombs. The entry to the anbu I had know was going to rigorous after all, every anbu was personally picked for the jobs they are to be assigned.

Back to the fight, I gazed upon the clone, patiently waiting, well two can play at that game. I created two shadow clones one of which would go and set off the trap, the other would pose as me after the clone is destroyed. When the clone disappears and the anbu's chakra is easy to pinpoint, my clone will go and attack the ninja, when that clone vanquishes I will carry out the fight. Everything was easier said than don, time to put it into action.

"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu," I whispered, creating two perfect clones. When both were in position the first clone set off the trap. Smoke clouded the area as the paper bomb was set off, the clone dispersed with a quick 'poof' then when the anbu let some of his chakra show, the clone used a wind style jutsu that Kurama had taught me during our rigorous days of training. Likewise the anbu was able to dodge the attack however from the way I saw him dodge t, I could say he escaped with anything but ease. When my clone was in midair after the jutsu, the anbu finished him off only to see that he as well was a clone. With an opening in the opponent's defense I performed another wind jutsu that this time, did not fail and left the anbu in midair, then falling towards the ground. The anbu in midair performed a jutsu that I could not recognize however it saved him from being smashed into the dirt.

The anbu raised three fingers up, multiple anbu jumped out that I could have never expected to be watching and Jiji came out of hiding as well. The hokage snapped his fingers and all anbu (Including my former opponent) lined up.

"Approach!" he told me, without hesitation I walked forwards, I couldn't tell through the mask of the other anbu wether this was a good or bad thing.

"You did well. Now we have much to discuss you and I," He signaled for the anbu to leave though I followed him back to his office to await his critique.

"So how did I do Jiji." I asked him quite seriously, his eyes darting at the paperwork soon moved their attention towards me. The third hokage soon got up out of his chair and reached into one of his draws pulling out something wrapped in a light linen fabric and tightened with a green thread.

"A few moths ago I asked if you wanted to be an anbu. Mind you that you are 4..." He trailed off. I got nervous, was I too young and if I was was this all a joke. "BUT! Today you have proved you are above our genine students and most possibly even our chunin, which is why.." He turned around and put the item in my hands. "I welcome you into the anbu."

I unwrapped the item in cloth finding there to be a katana, red in color and gold and black down the edges. I was beyond astonished.

"Please remove your mask!" He told me as I proceeded to take off the fox anbu mask and stared at Jiji long and hard. "Congratulations...Kitsune." 'However I must tell you, with this burden there is responsibility, no one must know your identity, including other anbu, however lets not worry about that." Jiji gave me a smile matching my own, I felt..happy? It was an emotion I hadn't felt in a long time. I put on my mask and took the sword.

"Congrats Kitsune." I heard other anbu say behind me, which reminds me...when did they get in. They sure weren't there a second ago...

'Let it go kit, you are in, now go celebrate you crazy kid.'

'Thanks Kurama..'


I ran down the streets in a red t shirt with the uzumaki sign on the back along with black pants. I jumped onop of the buildings and graced across them until I reach ichiraku's ramen.

"Back again Naruto?" The shopkeeper asked me. "You must really like ramen." To be quite honest it was not that I 'loved it', it was mostly over the fact that Ichiraku's ramen is the only food that was guaranteed to not be poisoned or rotten, however I did have a fondness for it.

"Yea, Ramen is amazing!" I told the shopkeeper. They set a bowl down in front of me. "itadakimasu! (Lets eat)"

After around 8 more bowls, I finally left, after paying of course. I looked at the glistening town around me, the town was truly radiant after 9:00. Of course every step I took, someone would glare at me. I felt that guild pierce me.

"Oi brat, get over here!" I heard from behind me. I turned around, my eyes showing no fear, but no courage either. Through the years and most importantly the last few months, I leaned that it wasn't worth fighting back. I can't make the villagers feel sympathy for me and if I fought back I would only be proving them right.

"Been a while huh brat? " he spoke in my ear. Other people started to walk up behind him, most likely to support him. The villager backed up and pulled out a wooden club. "Say goodbye brat!" He spat visously as he slammed the club down on my shoulder. My vision and hearing started to go fuzzy. I was able to make out a "Serves him right!" from some woman in the background. I didn't flinch, I just looked down. This is what some parts of him a it is, beating a child at 4 just because a demon was sealed inside him mind you to save all of them. I gave up on hate however, I just would never we able to hate them the way I used to.

When the villagers left I was bleeding from several limbs. One day they might understand. I trudged back to my apartment and fell asleep on the worn out white bed. I found the bed in back of the orphanage from when I was a kid. I jumped into the covers warm embrace then everything went white....

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